Perfekt Control (The Ære Saga Book 2)
and filed down the
stairs. The door to Tyr’s room was cracked open, and inside Mia
stuffed shirts and shoes into a bag. Without giving myself a chance
to think, I jogged after the guys.
    “Okay, what’s the plan?” I sat gingerly on
the edge of the couch. The tension radiating off three sets of male
shoulders was palpable. Whoever took our friend would have some serious testosterone to contend with. Tyr paced furiously in
front of the fireplace, his footsteps landing with heavy thuds as
he placed each heel on the ground. Henrik stood in front of the
window, his arms crossed, angry sweat beading in the crook of his
beautifully sculpted biceps.
    I cleared my throat. Forse looked up from his
seat beside me on the couch. His hands were clenched so tight, I
was surprised his fingernails hadn’t drawn blood.
    Boys could do anger like no other, but they
had nothing on the wrath of me. I’d lived through this once
already. And I knew the casualties it could bring.
    “The plan?” I ground out through gritted
    Henrik’s face softened. “Brynn.”
    “Later.” I held up a hand. “Tyr, what are our
orders? You do have a plan to get her back, ja? ”
    Tyr stopped pacing long enough to stare me
down. “Before I decide, are you fit to proceed on this mission? Be
honest with me, Brynn. I can’t have a weak link in this chain.”
    “I am plenty fit, thank you very
much .” I tried to keep the indignation out of my voice. I might
have had the highest stakes in the room but Freya had trained me to
be a warrior first.
    Tyr stared at my jutted jaw, blazing eyes,
and fingers tightly gripping each other. “You sure about that,
    “Stuff it, Fredriksen. I said I’m good, so
I’m good.” I loosened my grip on my knuckles to prove my point.
    “Fair enough. Odin thinks this is a trap to
get to me, and he doesn’t want Love and War incapacitated
simultaneously. So against my advisement, the Alfödr has ordered
the two of you to go after Freya.” Tyr crossed his arms over his
chest. “Henrik, you’re the most efficient assassin in the corps at
the moment, and Brynn, for whatever reason, you temper his
destructive energy with an impulse for creation. We don’t know
who’s taken Freya or why, so innovation is going to be the name of
the game on this one. But the second you feel like this mission
exceeds the standard level of danger, the second , call me in
and I’ll be your backup. Odin can just deal.” Tyr’s eyes moved to
my right. “Forse, you’re going to stay behind and run intel with
me. We’re transferring the girls to the northwest compound.”
    “Is taking Mia and Elsa to the beach house
the safest idea?” I questioned. “Are you sure the location is
secure after… you know…”
    After Fenrir attacked the shield barrier.
After Hel’s guard, Garm—a dragon, not a dog, for the
record—attacked Henrik. After Tyr lost his arm and nearly died…
    “It’s safe. Henrik beefed up security last
week, and I cast a holographic enchantment along the barrier so the
entire region looks like an uninhabited forest. The Oregon coast
lost a good twenty square miles of cove, but they can spare
    Forse stood up. “Do I have time to pack or
are we evacuating right now?”
    “You have five minutes.” Tyr pulled his phone
out of his pocket and checked the time. “I want to touch down at
the safe house and have Heimdall’s remote surveillance operational
in ten. Wherever Freya is, we need to get her back. We can’t have a
repeat of—” Tyr’s gaze shifted to me and back to Forse so quickly,
anyone else would have missed it. I pulled my shoulders back and
rose from the couch. Anybody who thought I wasn’t strong enough for
this mission was dead wrong.
    “Just be back here in five. I’ll contact
Heimdall.” With that, Tyr stormed toward the hallway.
    “You might want to tell Elsa her stubborn
brother’s refusing medical attention,” I called after him.
    “Shut up, Brynn,” Tyr said

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