Persuade Me

Persuade Me by Juliet Archer Read Free Book Online

Book: Persuade Me by Juliet Archer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Juliet Archer
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical, Contemporary
but there was no obvious alternative route. It was very warm for an English October and he was glad he’d remembered his water bottle.
    He stopped after four miles when he reached the garden centre. The place was easily accessible from the road, had ample car parking and seemed well maintained. The refurbishment was limited to the main part of the shop, where Sophie and Ed had changed the layout; they were reluctant to spend time and money making the first-floor living accommodation habitable and, anyway, Sophie wanted a place to unwind away from the business. As far as Rick could tell, everything was on target for the grand opening in early November, shortly before he returned to Australia. Not the best time of year to open a garden centre, but Sophie wanted to try out some Christmas decorations and gifts, and Ed planned to test the local market for pet products and animal feed.
    After a swig of water he set off for Kellynch, which he reckoned was only another couple of miles further on. And indeed, the hedgerow beside him soon gave way to a crumbling stone wall and a weathered sign where he could just make out the words ‘Kellynch Estate, Private Property – Keep Out’. Although he could have easily scaled the wall, he kept to the road, noting the lie of the land he passed: open fields with a few sheep grazing, then more formal gardens as the house came briefly into sight.
    At the wrought iron gates he paused. They were tall and ornate, but riddled with rust and half-askew, as though they’d forgotten why they were there. As he jogged along the weed-ravaged drive, an elegant Palladian mansion came into view, glowing in the sunshine like a large pearl on a green velvet cushion. But when he reached it, he saw that the elegance was a mirage; the walls of the house were damp-stained and peeling, the lawns patchy with neglect.
    He wondered what he was doing this side of the gates; he’d probably get accused of trespassing. That in itself didn’t bother him, it was more the thought of having to explain his presence to someone when he didn’t understand it himself. Sure enough, at that moment two women appeared at the front door; both tall and blonde and wearing immaculate designer gym outfits, one pale pink, the other lilac. They saw him – and their conversation came to an abrupt halt.
    ‘Yes?’ Pink said imperiously. Her eyes fixed on his damp, clinging T-shirt, as if seeking enlightenment from the words ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder’ emblazoned across his chest.
    Lilac ran her tongue over her already glistening lips. ‘I nuh oo yuh aargh,’ she said. ‘Yuh aargh Reek Wantwart.’
    Rick looked at her, totally baffled.
    Pink, however, seemed to have no difficulty in understanding this gibberish. ‘Well, well, Rick Wentworth,’ she breathed, in a much more encouraging tone. ‘Are there any photographers with you?’
    ‘There might have been, but they couldn’t keep up,’ he said brusquely, then forced a smile. No point in antagonising the woman; at least, not yet.
    ‘Welcome to Kellynch.’ She fluttered her eyelashes at him. ‘Were you after anything – or anyone – in particular?’
    ‘I’m here on behalf of Sophie and Ed Croft.’ That was partly true, wasn’t it? ‘They want me to report back on the state of The Lodge.’
    ‘Checking up on us, are they? Come along, I’ll give you a personal tour.’ She slipped her bare arm through his – skin as smooth and cold as marble – then turned to her companion and said, ‘Bring the car round to The Lodge, we’ll go to the gym from there.’
    He let her guide him away from the house, down a wide, overgrown path at right angles to the gates he’d just walked through. He wondered if she was related to Anna; at first glance, it didn’t seem possible. But he didn’t have to speculate for long, because she talked without any prompting. And her favourite subject seemed to be … herself.
    She had a silly, little-girl voice which was

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