
PowerofLearning by Viola Grace Read Free Book Online

Book: PowerofLearning by Viola Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Viola Grace
Tags: Romance, Science Fiction
every time I did, they were taken from me.”
    “What happened today, Yavil?”
    She looked at Hosh and couldn’t speak. “Nothing. Nothing happened.”
    Quedar smiled. “I know, but I also know that your mind was reacting pre-emptively, seeking information in lieu of connection. It will take one if it cannot have the other, but now that information is available to you at any time, you are looking for the connection. Your mind is driven to want both.”
    Hosh asked. “So, what is happening to her?”
    “As she said, it is a brainstorm. Her mind is reaching out but doesn’t know how to make the connection.” Quedar stroked her forehead.
    “I am right here, you know.” Petulance was not becoming, but it was all she could come up with in her prone position.
    Hosh frowned. “Is she in danger?”
    “Yes, but she has always been in danger, she lives one heartbreak away from death every day.”
    Tears welled in Yavil’s eyes to hear her secrets told so calmly.
    She closed her eyes and turned her head away, letting the tears fall.
    Quedar patted her hand and went off to speak with Dr. Tinneer.
    Hosh remained at her side, holding her hand.
    It took all her effort to speak clearly. “You should get to whatever you had scheduled, Hosh. I am fine now.”
    He squeezed her hand, and she finally turned to look at him. “I will be your link if you need one.”
    She blinked rapidly and brushed her tears away with her free hand. “What is a link?”
    “Wyorans use them when someone has an out-of-control psychic ability. The addition of another mind stabilises them.”
    “That is not what I want. Attaching to someone just to make my life easier and theirs harder is not something I will do.” She sat up and tried to take her hand from his.
    “That is not why I am offering. I have an interest in you that goes beyond my being your recruiter. I would like to be quite a bit more.” His expression was earnest, and he leaned toward her with an intense look in his eyes.
    She sighed and leaned back to avoid the kiss that her body wanted with every molecule. “You want to leave, and I am scheduled to stay here.”
    He reared back. “That was what spurred this?”
    She opened her mouth, and it was caught in a kiss that was as stunning as it was confined to the psychic plane.
    Yavil squeaked in surprise as she felt the sensations of warm, soft lips against her own, the heady scent of Hosh’s body and the heat of hands holding her head to keep her still.
    When the kiss ended, she blinked rapidly and Hosh’s lips curled up in a smile. “I do not wish to leave you or the Citadel, I just wanted to travel. It was a casual and unremarkable sharing of goals for the future, Yavil.”
    “Oh. So, I may have over-reacted.” She pursed her lips, and they stared at each other before they burst out laughing.
    He grinned and took both of her hands, pressing his forehead against hers. “Just a little.”
    She felt tendrils of thought touching her mind, and with a surge, the part of her mind that absorbed information lunged for those tendrils and gripped them tight.
    He let out a low groan, and she leaned up, kissing his lips for the first time as her mind spun itself into his and he returned the favour. For two people fully clothed, things could hardly have been more intimate.
    She smiled as the pain and tension in her mind lifted. She pressed soft kisses against his lips, enjoying the freedom of contact. When he broke their contact, he smiled warmly at her. “Hello, link.”

Chapter Nine
    Yavil had never felt better. It was strange how meeting the right person at the right time could turn her life around.
    “This feels exceptionally peculiar, Hosh.” She kept wanting to touch her forehead, but the change was internal.
    “It is bizarre for me as well. My folk do not usually need links, but we get the rudimentary training for it. Your mind is exceptional, by the way.”
    “Thank you.”
    The doctor released her from the infirmary at

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