Pharaoh's Desire

Pharaoh's Desire by Chanta Rand Read Free Book Online

Book: Pharaoh's Desire by Chanta Rand Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chanta Rand
could get.
    “I do not feel better,” Kama said, then smiled. “Although I will admit, I have missed your incessant speech . ”
    Dyzet’s mouth dropped open. “Glory to the gods. Is that a compliment upon your lips?”
    Kama gave her a contrite smile. “I apologize for my poor company of late.”
    “Dyzet shrugged. “So, let us forget about it and begin anew.”
    Kama pulled the Senet board out as a friendly gesture. “I would like that.”
    Dyzet sat down at the table and began setting her pieces on the board. “I heard about your fainting incident.”
    Kama gave her a look of surprise.
    “The palace is alive with loose lips and open ears,” Dyzet said with a small smile, andKama bristled at the thought of being the subject of gossip.   “I do not know how these things get propagated. All I know is people are eating up the excitement, passing the tale from one to the next. They said you were overcome by the sight of Amonmose.” Kama made an unladylike snort. “I didn’t think it was so.” She put her hand on Kama’s. “I came as soon as I heard.   I hated to think of you here all alone.”
    “Thank you for your concern, Dyzet. The physician advised me to eat more. I can assure you, I’m not in the habit of fainting for no reason.”
    “Certainly,” Dyzet murmured.   “If it is any consolation, I too nearly fainted when I first laid eyes on the Pharaoh.”
    Kama looked into her eyes. “You are wise for your age, Dyzet. What did you do to get assigned the task of tending to me?”
    Dyzet frowned. “I do not look upon this as a task. It is an honor to serve you and the Pharaoh.”
    Kama concealed a look of surprise.
    “As I told you before,” Dyzet said, “my father is a mapmaker for the Pharaoh. He travels far and wide and during his trips. He meets people who know about hidden routes, rough terrain, and access to desirable waterways. As you can imagine, this information makes his maps very valuable to the Pharaoh.”
    Kama nodded her head in agreement.
    Dyzet continued. “Whenever father delivers new maps to the palace, he allows me to accompany him. I have known the Pharaoh for years, and he’s entrusted me with many favors.”
    Kama raised an inquisitive eyebrow. “You’re young to be entrusted with his favors .”
    “You misunderstand.” Dyzet shook her head. “The Pharaoh is an honorable man, a compassionate leader. He loves his people. Everyone is happy to gain his favor.”
    Kama smirked as she turned toward the window, and looked out over the city. “And I am sure he has many beautiful girls willing to do his bidding.”
    “You misjudge him,” Dyzet said quietly, sounding sad.
    “Perhaps when you are older, you will see for yourself.”
    “There are many, both male and female, who are honored to be here, but he pays us no heed. Perhaps if I were as enchanting as you, the Pharaoh’s eyes would be upon me.”
    Kama glanced quickly back at her, stunned. This was not going the way she had planned. “Is that supposed to make me feel better about my predicament?” she demanded.
    “Predicament? I believe the Pharaoh became besotted with you from the moment he set eyes on you. You are the most exquisite woman I’ve ever seen, Kama. He probably feels the same. How is this anything but a blessing from the gods?”
    Before Kama could respond, a knock sounded at the door. When she answered, she found Baal, his hulking form filling the doorframe.
    “The Pharaoh commands an audience with you,” he told her. “I will be waiting outside to escort you to his chambers.” And then he closed the door with a flourish.
    Kama swallowed her lump of fear. In the few days since she’d last seen him, her emotions had run from hot to cold and back again. Part of her was enraged that he could inspire such fear. The other part was embarrassed at her reaction. If only she could reason with him without trembling in his presence. She just had to get the words out. “I will demand my release,”

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