
Played by Natasha Stories Read Free Book Online

Book: Played by Natasha Stories Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natasha Stories
shitfaced. What I hoped
for was unclear in my mind, but it involved kissing Justin, whose masculine
scent overwhelmed me in the warm car. I leaned over the console to rest my face
against his arm as he drove, and promptly went to sleep.
    When I awoke, we were pulling into a
driveway in front of a house of charming architectural design, made of stone
and artistically lit on the outside.
    "Where are we?" I asked.
    "I thought I'd better sober you up a
bit before taking you back to your dorm," Justin said.
    "Oh, thank you. I'm not
shitfaced," I added, puzzled a little at his sharp bark of laughter.
"You can't take me to the dorm, my roommate might see you."
    Justin's quizzical look further puzzled me.
Maybe I was drunker than I thought.
    "Are you ashamed of me, Janey?"
asked Justin.
    "No, but she said it was unethical to
sleep with a professor." Oh, shit . Now I'd done it. I had said
'sleep with a professor' right out loud and he had to know I meant him.
    "Why would she say something like
that?" asked Justin, being deliberately obtuse, I thought. I mumbled
something in reply, and he stepped close to me.
    Justin used a gentle forefinger to tilt my
chin up so that we were looking into each other's eyes, and bent his head to kiss
me. The gentle kiss was almost chaste, but it only served to make me want more.
I didn't blame the wine. Hadn't I been visualizing a moment like this since I
first laid eyes on the dreamy Professor Mackey? I closed my eyes and swayed
toward him, his arms encircling me as he pressed his lips firmly against mine.
After an eternity of drinking in Justin's intoxicating lips, I stumbled a
little as he broke the kiss off. It was only to lead me to the nearest sofa,
where he seated me gently, guiding me so that I wouldn't tumble into the sofa
like a rag doll.
    Before he joined me there, Justin knelt and
removed my shoes. I stared dreamily at the top of his head, reaching
involuntarily to thrust my fingers into his soft, wavy hair. When he sat next
to me and pulled me into his arms again, I was near to swooning with desire. It
was a heady feeling that eclipsed my earlier, girlish stirrings whenever I was
in his presence.
    A shiver washed through me as his hand
cupped my cheek, and then swept back through my hair to capture my head and
pull me even closer for his kisses. His breath tasted like the dessert wine
we'd had at the restaurant; rich, fruity and sweet. When his tongue pushed
against my lips to invade my mouth, I instinctively opened to him, though no
one had kissed me in such a way before.
    When he drew back, I almost cried out in
pain at the loss of his lips and the agile tongue that teased me to a state of
euphoria. He only wanted to look at me though, before lightly kissing me again
on the forehead.
    "I can't figure you out, Janey,"
he said. "You're a brilliant student, far beyond your peers in my class. You
seem so young and naïve in some ways, but at the same time, whenever I'm around
you, I get the feeling that you're deeply sensual. Tonight you seem ripe with
    There was nothing to say to that; he had
described me perfectly, but I couldn't explain. What would he do, what would he
think of me, if he knew of my background? At that moment, I wasn't thinking far
enough ahead to consider that, if this became a long-term relationship, my lie
by omission about my daughter would be a huge problem. Since I couldn't answer
him, I stayed silent, but leaned in for more kisses.
    Apparently accepting my decision not to
discuss my naïveté or my sensual nature, Justin stopped talking, and resumed
kissing me passionately. I don't know how long we just kissed. Eventually, I
realized that I was laying back against the cushions, with Justin's body
half-covering mine. I could feel his erection through our clothes, the hard
length pushing into my groin, which was pulsing to the beat of my heart.
    I knew exactly what that firm protrusion
was. However, I had never experienced pleasure from the act of

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