Please Don't Tell

Please Don't Tell by Laura Tims Read Free Book Online

Book: Please Don't Tell by Laura Tims Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Tims
into the room. Levi’s in the doorway. Levi, Adam’s half brother, from the funeral.
    â€œYou are?” Principal Eastman squints.
    â€œLevi Pham. I’m just starting today. You wanted to meet with me,” he says cheerfully. “Adam Gordon’s half brother, remember? I have my mom’s last name.”
    Go away, go away.
    Eastman winces. “I’m dealing with a situation. Please wait outside and I’ll call you in.”
    He stares at my leg, the one Eastman touched. “Actually, I thought you might want my input, since I saw what happened. I was in the hallway.”
    He’s lying. Why’s he lying?
    â€œPreston was getting bullied,” he continues. “Joy stuck up for him.”
    â€œYes, thank you,” Eastman says irritably. “But that hardly excuses violence.”
    â€œEverything I heard about this school stressed the no-bullying environment. I thought it was impressive. Joy told me how important this school’s reputation is to her.”
    â€œShe did?”
    The walls, my lungs, they’re shrinking.
    â€œShe was the first Stanwick High student I talked to,” says Levi. “Told me all about how the principal makes it so nobody’s singled out.”
    Eastman’s nodding calmly and I have naked photos of him with a freshman in my bag and Levi’s chattering all eager in the doorway and someone says I pushed his half brother into the quarry. I’m losing my mind.
    â€œShe stood up for the school’s principles,” Levi finishes. “So I think the school’s principal should stand up for her.”
    I wasn’t standing up for anything. I snapped. If that’s what I do when I snap—
    What if I snapped at the quarry?
    Eastman adjusts his mug that says PRINCI PAL . “I’m going to use that for the website. ‘Stand up for Stanwick High’s principles, and Stanwick High’s principal will stand up for you.’ You’re a smart young man. Just like your half brother.”
    Levi lights up.
    â€œYou ought to meet Joy’s sister sometime. She’s working from home this semester on a special independent research project. We allow our students to spread their wings here, if they prove themselves.” Eastman quits smiling, turns to me. “Though we still need to address your American History grade, Joy. There will be a need for consequences if you can’t pull it up.”
    His words fizz in my ears.
    â€œI can tutor her,” Levi offers.
    My vision goes even weirder. There are two of him now. Twins, like me and Grace.
    â€œExcellent!” Eastman actually hits the table. “The more capable leading the less capable, that’s what Stanwick High stands for.”
    I’m not breathing normal, my body isn’t normal .
    â€œJoy, you’re in for detention this week, but you’re off the hook for suspension. On the condition that Levi does, in fact, tutor you in American History. And you raise your grade to at least a C.”
    I gasp out, “I have to go to the bathroom.”
    I run down the hall, ignoring everything and everyone around me. I find my way upstairs and into the girls’bathroom. Everything I look at bounces slightly, like there’s an earthquake. The toilet water jumps in the bowl, shaking along with my hands and the walls and the air. I manage to unzip my backpack and pull out a tiny bottle, swallow twice, and cough, hard. This is the upstairs bathroom, people will hear these sounds.
    The bathroom door swings open. “Joy?” Levi’s voice.
    Go away, please, I’m dying.
    His shoes stop in front of my stall. “Are you okay?”
    â€œThis. Is the. Girl’s bathroom,” I wheeze.
    â€œThat didn’t stop you yesterday when it was the men’s room.”
    I didn’t lock the door, and he opens it, and then he’s crouching in front of me, holding something up. “Breathe with this.You’ll

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