middle class. Maarten Goos and Alan Manning, writing about the same phenomenon in the UK, call it the division into “lousy and lovely” jobs.
A recent investigation of the direct employment impact of the iPod is a case study in these lousy and lovely jobs—and shows where some of what used to be the jobs in the middle have gone. The research is the work of Greg Linden, Jason Dedrick, and Kenneth Kraemer, a troika of scholars who in a pair of recent papers have examined how the iPod has created jobs and profits around the world. One of their findings is that in 2006 the iPod employed nearly twice as many people outside the United States as it did in the country where it was invented—13,920 in the United States and 27,250 abroad.
You probably aren’t surprised by that figure, but if you are American, you should be a little worried. That is because Apple is the quintessential example of the Yankee magic everyone from Barack Obama to Rick Santorum insists will pull this country out of its jobs crisis, evidence of America’s remarkable ability to produce innovators and entrepreneurs. But today those thinkers and tinkerers turn out to be more effective drivers of job growth outside the United States than they are at home.
You don’t need to read the iPod study to know that a lot of those overseas workers are in China. But given how large that Asian behemoth currently looms in the U.S. psyche, it is worth noting that less than half of the foreign iPod jobs—12,270—are in the Middle Kingdom. Another 4,750 are in the Philippines, which, with a population of just 92 million compared to China’s 1.3 billion, has in relative terms been a much bigger beneficiary of Steve Jobs’s genius. This is a point worth underscoring, because some American pundits and politicians like to blame their country’s economic woes on China’s undervalued currency and its strategy of export-led growth. In the case of the Apple economy, that is less than half the story.
Now come what might be the surprises. The first is that even though most of the iPod jobs are outside the United States, the lion’s share of the iPod salaries are in the United States. Those 13,920 American workers earned nearly $750 million. By contrast, the 27,250 non-American Apple employees took home less than $320 million.
That disparity is even more significant when you look at the composition of America’s iPod workforce. More than half the U.S. jobs—7,789—went to retail and other nonprofessional workers (office support staff, freight and distribution workers, etc.). Those workers earned just $220 million.
The big winners from Apple’s innovation were the 6,101 engineers and other professional workers in the United States who made more than $525 million. That’s more than double what the nonprofessionals in the United States made, and significantly more than the total earnings of all of Apple’s foreign employees. The other jobs are lousy; these are the highly paid lovely ones.
Here in microcosm is why America is so ambivalent about globalization and the technology revolution. The populist fear that even America’s most brilliant innovations are creating more jobs abroad than they are at home is clearly true. In fact, the reality may be even grimmer than populist critics realize, since more than half of the American iPod jobs are relatively poorly paid and low skilled.
But America has winners, too: the engineers and other American professionals who work for Apple, whose healthy paychecks are partly due to the bottom-line benefit the company gains from cheap foreign labor. Apple’s shareholders have done even better. In the first of their pair of iPod papers, published in 2007, Linden, Dedrick, and Kraemer found that the largest share of financial value created by the iPod went to Apple. Even though the devices are made in China, the financial value added there is “very low.”
Rich countries can hold on to some manufacturing jobs, of course, but