Possession: Steel Brothers Saga: Book Three

Possession: Steel Brothers Saga: Book Three by Helen Hardt Read Free Book Online

Book: Possession: Steel Brothers Saga: Book Three by Helen Hardt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Helen Hardt
just not ready to meet your father yet. I’m…scared.
    A few moments passed before my phone beeped with her response.
    Fine. Do what you need to do.
    Was that said with understanding or resentment? Damned texting. I decided not to ask.
    I’ll be back tomorrow evening if you need a ride back to Snow Creek.
    Again, nothing for a few minutes. Then, Don’t bother. My father can drive me back.
    All right.
    I stopped typing for a moment. The three words that had been so difficult for me to say now hovered on my fingertips. Why was it easier to say them than to type them into a text? I forced them from my fingers.
    I love you.
    I waited a few minutes, but she didn’t respond. No “I love you” back. Not that I blamed her. I was running out on her when she needed me. I had to get back to the ranch. I had told the guys and Marj to meet me tomorrow, and this was something I had to do. And there was truth in what I’d told her. I wasn’t quite ready to meet her father. Yes, I loved Jade, and yes, I wanted her for life, but I had so much more to get through myself before I could meet the man who’d raised her, who’d helped shape her into the amazing person she was. Right now, I still wasn’t good enough for his little girl. He would see right through me.
    An hour later I arrived back at the ranch. I had a text from Marj.
    Got your text. I’m staying in Grand Junction tonight. I want to go to the hospital and see Jade and her mom. What time do you want to meet with the guys and me tomorrow? I’ll make sure I get back.
    I texted her back. How about lunchtime?
    Cool. I’ll be home by noon. But don’t expect me to cook.
    No worries. I’ll have Felicia make us up something and leave it.
    Then I texted the guys.
    Marj will be home at noon tomorrow. Can you guys come over at eleven?
    It was time.

    * * *
    I slept fitfully , though that was nothing new. I’d texted Jade a few times to check in. She sent me back robotic texts with no “I love you.”
    I didn’t blame her. Once I got through everything, she would understand. I just hoped she’d stick around long enough.
    Jonah and Ryan arrived right at eleven. I had already poured myself a Peach Street.
    “A little early, huh, Tal?” Ryan said, joking.
    I heaved a sigh. “There’s a reason I wanted you guys to come early. Before we tell Marj, I need to tell you guys exactly what happened.”
    Ryan smiled. “We’re here for you.”
    Jonah gripped my shoulder. “Yes, we are,” he said.
    I took a big sip of my whiskey and let it singe my throat. “I am. It won’t be easy for me to say, and I’m going to tell you right now, it won’t be easy for you guys to hear. But I made a breakthrough in my therapy on Friday. And it’s time.”
    “If you’re sure,” Ryan said.
    My little brother. Always having my back. Never wanting to push me. I was his hero. For the first time, as I thought about that, I felt that maybe his faith in me was not misplaced.
    “I’m ready. I owe this to you guys. And to myself. Pour yourself a drink if you need one and then meet me on the deck.”
    I walked out the French doors in the kitchen to the gorgeous redwood deck. Instead of sitting down at the table, I took one of the chaise longues beside the hot tub. I at least wanted to be comfortable if I was going to do this. For a moment, I was sitting in the hunter-green recliner in Dr. Carmichael’s office. Gripping the wooden arms of the chaise longue wouldn’t feel as good against my hands as that supple leather.
    Jonah and Ryan came out—Joe with what looked like a gin and tonic, Ryan with a can of soda.
    “Sorry,” he said, when I eyed the can. “I’m just not ready for alcohol at eleven.”
    I nodded. After all, he wasn’t the one about to divulge his guts.
    “I asked you guys to come before Marj gets here because I can’t tell her everything. Not the worst of it. But I need you guys to know a few things. I may not tell you everything, but you deserve to know what happened. And

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