Pretty Face

Pretty Face by Sable Hunter Read Free Book Online

Book: Pretty Face by Sable Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sable Hunter
nowhere, Hunter had thrust his phone in his back pocket and returned to his job. His first step was to tear out all of the old cabinets and appliances. The work was back-breaking but required no real thought. How had Sage known his client was a woman? Hmmmm. He shrugged. Strange. He must be losing it, he couldn’t remember telling her.
    Soon the pile of boards and Formica was too large for him to work around. He’d have to carry it to his truck and haul it to a nearby dump or dumpster. Propping open the side door, he began toting it outside. As he threw the refuse into the pick-up bed, he heard the most entrancing feminine laughter one could imagine. Pure joy. The sound sent chills over his body. Was Ms. Napier back or had he been invaded by a fairy princess? Despite the work to be done, he found himself drawn in the direction the noise was coming from.
    “No, you don’t,” she squealed. “No kissing.”
    Did she have visitors? Was Cody’s boyfriend with her in the backyard? Even though it was none of his business, he found himself walking by her car, an eye-opening red Mazda Miata, to peek through the fence at the back of the driveway. Nope, no boyfriend. Hunter laughed. His client was jumping and running, even playing on the cold ground with two dogs and two cats, who were scampering and cavorting like little children while she giggled helplessly, enjoying their antics. Hunter loved animals and he respected anyone else who did. His client’s stock rose a little higher in his eyes.
    Shaking his head and smiling, he walked back to the kitchen and hauled out two more loads. When that was completed, his work area was a little neater. Next he had to tackle dismantling the bar. As he used his reciprocating saw, his mind kept going between Cody playing alone in the backyard with her animals and what he was going to say to Sage tonight. How he wished she’d allow him to see her. What he wouldn’t give for it to be her laughter he could hear coming through the window. What argument could he use to convince Sage he was sincere and would never hurt her under any circumstance?
    “Shit!” His concentration slipped and so did the saw, which cut a deep gash in the side of his thumb. “Damn!”
    The cry from inside the house caused Cody to freeze, then immediately run. Hearing Hunter yell with pain made her heart slam in her chest. “What’s wrong?” she asked as she came barreling through the kitchen door, afraid of what she’d find. “Hunter, Mr. Reed, are you all right?” Her voice was shaking.
    His face was tight with pain. He stood over the sink and bright spots of blood dripped onto the white porcelain. “I just need a bandage and some tape.”
    “Let me take you to the doctor.” Cody reached for his hand.
    “No, no.” He was emphatic. “It’s not that bad. Just hand me something to wrap around it.”
    “You need more than that. Hold on.” She hurried to the bathroom and got some gauze, tape, and ointment. The very act of caring for him was momentous. When she returned, he was still standing where she’d left him and didn’t react when she approached him other than reaching for the supplies. “Thank you.”
    “No, I’ll do it. You can’t manage by yourself.” She scooted in next to him. “Let me see.” Cody held out her hand for his, steeling herself, biting the inside of her lip. When he placed his big warm beloved hand in hers, Cody wanted to melt at his feet. She trembled all over at the thrill of her body pressing against his. Removing the paper towel he had wrapped around it, she winced at the painful looking wound. “Let’s clean it out and I’ll fix you up.”
    Hunter couldn’t help but be aware of Cody Napier as she deftly took control of the situation. Her hands were delicate and soft as she held his. She smelled like wild flowers and her hair was silky, framing a very pretty face despite the scar. “I appreciate this.”
    “No problem. I’ll be glad to pay your doctor bill, if you

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