Prison Throne

Prison Throne by T. Styles Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Prison Throne by T. Styles Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. Styles
Tags: Fiction, General, African American
taking care of himself a day in his life, he would do stuff like wash his clothes and leave them wet in the machine. When he finally remembered, after having zero boxers of course, they would be dried, folded and sitting on his bed.
    Snow didn’t stop there. If he rubbed his temples due to the headaches he often got in class, he would go to break and return to two Tylenol sitting on his desk with a cup of water.
    Snow wanted to take care of him because she was good at it and he was falling for her. Hard.
    She became even more interesting when he learned what the young girl was in Strawberry Meadows for. At first he figured she was fucking up in school or playing hooky to earn a stint in the home. Imagine his surprise when he discovered the baby goon was arrested for holding up a 7-Eleven.
    No doubt Snow had more heart than any nigga in the Meadows. And that went for Brooklyn and Chance too.
    It was Sunday morning and Rasim stood in the rec room playing Pac Man on a video machine. From the corner of his eye he watched everyone, including Brooklyn and Chance, make their way to the chapel to worship.
    Although Brooklyn went to ask God to forgive the things he had already done and the things he had written down for the future, Chance participated because he derived that the fattest butt girls were always present. He even tested his theory by counting them as they walked the line one Sunday.
    Rasim’s homies went to the service for Christians but there was a Muslim ritual being conducted at the same time in another location. There were at least five children of Muslim faith who invited Rasim but he always refused. He didn’t want his friends seeing him praising Allah when he wanted to be like them.
    Snow walked toward the chapel with her black leather Bible clutched against her breasts. Not wanting to bother Rasim, she was preparing to hustle past him when he stepped away from the machine and blocked her.
    Snow was 5’7”, which some considered tall for a girl, but standing in front of Rasim she felt like a dwarf. “What’s up with you?” he asked.
    She shrugged.
    “How come you do stuff for me but never say shit?”
    She shrugged twice for good measure.
    He placed his hands on her forearms and squeezed lightly. “Snow, say my name,” he rocked her softly.
    “Rasim,” she said in a tone that got his dick hard. She looked over at the video machine and then up into his eyes again. “You aren’t going to worship today?”
    Luckily for Snow, she uttered the magic words that caused him to release her as he made his way back over to the machine. “I don’t have to worship.” He slipped a quarter in the slot. “I already know there’s a God.”
    She frowned. “Then come with me and prove it.”
    “That’s not my thing, Snow. Everybody got their own thing.”
    She shook her head sadly. “You shouldn’t turn your back on God, Rasim. You never know when you might need Him.”
    Rasim sat in the rec room playing cards with Queen who had wanted him from day one. She was as awful in Spades as a pitbull puppy in a room full of new Jordans. But he didn’t have another partner because when it came to Spades, Brooklyn and Chance acted as if they were newlyweds who didn’t want to cheat on each other.
                  When Rasim stared out in frustration, he saw Snow sitting in front of the TV. Every now and again she would look at him but then focus back on the show. He knew what she was doing—determining how else she could serve him—and she had a nigga feeling like a king. Dudes were salty when it came to the attention the cute red bone had blessed Rasim with and it showed in their glares.
    She was the weirdest chick he ever came in contact with in his life and he never met anyone like her. That made her more than special. It made her unique.
                  When Rasim found out that Queen threw out a high Spade to cut his high Spade when she held a lower card in her

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