Prison Throne

Prison Throne by T. Styles Read Free Book Online

Book: Prison Throne by T. Styles Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. Styles
Tags: Fiction, General, African American
her to talk that way.
    Rasim knew he had to compose himself before he looked like a fool so he said, “I was just fucking around with my friends. I didn’t mean nothing by it. Really.”
    She looked away from him and he was relieved. Now he could check his red Polo shirt and blue jeans to make sure he was still fresh.
    Just then “You’re All That I Need” by Method Man and Mary J. Blige came on the radio and he watched her move her lips although no sound came out. It was clear that it was her favorite song.
    “I’m fine,” she said out of the blue. She looked at him again and he swallowed. “Thank you for asking.” She rubbed her arms because it was chilly in the room.
    “If you fine, why you still crying?” he questioned.
    She sighed and looked down at her legs. “Because all my life people have ignored me. Made fun of me. Just because I have a flat butt and I’m not as cute as other girls. And I guess…well, I guess I thought when I got here people would treat me differently. I’m tired of being alone.”
    Rasim shook his head. He understood how it felt to be an outcast because although he had friends, he was always judged for his religion and ethnicity. “I get that,” he nodded.
    When she rubbed her arms again she asked, “Is it cold in here or is it just me?”
    “Yes,” he admitted. It was definitely chilly. He felt that the staff was trying to freeze niggas out and shit.
    When he saw her shivering, Rasim reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of her underwear and placed them over her right shoulder. “Maybe these are big enough to keep you warm.”
    At first she was horrified, believing he was doing an outstanding job of insulting her, until he flashed the smile that made him young boy famous.
    Suddenly giggling felt good. Like butterflies tickling the inside of her stomach but better. It wasn’t until that moment that she realized she had never really laughed.
    “You see,” he said running his finger along the side of her face. Now that he had his swag back, he would use it to the fullest. “Make time to laugh at the dumb shit. Besides, even with that flat butt, with a face like yours, you still a ten.”
    Rasim squeezed her cheek lightly, stood up and bopped out.
    In Snow’s personal opinion, Rasim was the grooviest nigga ever!

    A few days later, the small cafeteria was heavy with juvenile delinquents. Rasim, Brooklyn and Chance just finished stacking their plates as high as they could without them smacking against the floor. On their fat boy shit, they made their way to their favorite table.
                  Many girls eyed them as they moved because they were the cutest guys in the group home. It wasn’t a crew of niggas who even came close. They were winning.
    And Snow definitely agreed.
                  Rasim placed his tray on the table and Brooklyn sat on his left while Chance perched on the right.
    The moment Rasim was comfortable he realized he forgot his silverware. “Damn,” he said wanting to dive into the spaghetti that Mrs. Corner made. He loved when she was in the kitchen because her food was always seasoned to perfection. He considered using his fingers he was so hungry. “I left my fucking fork.”
    He was about to get up and get one when Snow, with a lowered head, placed a fork and napkin on his table and slouched away.
    Rasim turned around and looked at the pretty girl who hadn’t said a word to him since the movie room as she made her way back to her own plate.
    “Man, that girl is too fucking weird,” Brooklyn whispered, shaking his head. “How the fuck she know you needed that shit? Too creepy for me.”
    “I don’t know, Rasim,” Chance responded while shoving his fork in his face. “She looks like she stalking, young. Betta watch that bitch.”
    While they maintained their own perspectives, Rasim felt differently. Lately things had been done for him that he didn’t ask for and he was grateful.

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