Project Ami

Project Ami by Emiel Sleegers Read Free Book Online

Book: Project Ami by Emiel Sleegers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emiel Sleegers
can do.’
    Ryan gives Brian a hand, and they start walking in the direction of where he left Ami. Soon enough, Ryan arrives at the kitchen, but he cannot see her. He asks one of the women if they have seen her, but they do not look at him and, with what almost sounds like a frightened voice, they say that she walked away about an hour ago and they have not seen her since.
    Ryan is surprised and tries to think of a reason for why she would do that.
    Maybe she went back to the tent, he thinks. He starts to walk in the direction of the tent and, on his way, he asks a few people if they have seen a girl around 25 years old wearing a red dress. Some people say that they have not seen her, but most people ignore Ryan and just walk away. Ryan thinks everything is very strange, and he is starting to get worried. He arrives at the tent and looks inside, but she is not there. He takes his backpack and starts to walk around the surrounding area, but Ami is nowhere to be seen.
    After walking around for well over an hour, Ryan decides to go to the boss’s office to ask if he knows where she is. He walks up to one of the guards at the corner of the street and asks him where he can find the office of the boss.
    ‘If you walk down this road and then turn left, you’ll see a concrete rooms imbedded into the tunnel. Just ask one of the guards there where the boss is,’ says the guard.
    Ryan follows the guard’s instructions and arrives at the rooms. There he is met by two heavily armed guards standing in front of a door that leads into one of the rooms. He walks up to the guards and asks if he can speak to the boss. One guard steps forward and tells Ryan to wait where he is whilst the other guard knocks on the door and calls out, ‘There’s someone to see you, boss.’
    A voice booms, ‘Let him in.’
    The guards step aside and Ryan walks through the door. He finds a fairly large concrete room with a simple desk and a comfortable chair. He sees the boss sitting relaxed in his chair smoking a cigar. Ryan needs to crouch down because of the smoke hanging in the room; there is no ventilation whatsoever, but the boss seems to be fine with that.
    Ryan walks in and asks him if he has seen Ami.
    ‘Who?’ he asks.
    ‘The girl I was with.’
    The boss has a mean expression on his face and tells Ryan, ‘She must be walking around here somewhere.’ His tone drips with sarcasm. ‘If I see her, I will let you know.’
    Ryan does not trust the boss one bit, and he walks out of the office feeling irritated. He heads back onto the street. He starts to walk around again in a final attempt to find Ami. As he is walking through a small alley that might only fit one person at a time through it, he walks by a tent and there he hears two men talking. He hears them saying something about a girl. Ryan stops walking and silently moves closer to the tent.
    He hears one of the guys saying that the guards recently found a girl that turned out to be a KB.
    ‘They can make themselves look like humans. How can we ever be safe?’ asks the guy in the tent.
    ‘What happened to her?’ asks the other guy.
    ‘All I know is they took her to the bunker. They’ll probably inspect her better since this is the first time they’ve seen a KB dressed like a human.’
    Ryan feels chills run over him. He is scared, and quickly runs through the alley and onto a bigger street. He looks around him and he can remember seeing a few signs this morning that gave directions to the bunker. He walks through the street and comes across the signs that point East, and detail: In a case of emergency, follow these signs to the bunker.
    Ryan runs through the street in the direction of the bunker. He keeps following the signs and, after a few minutes, arrives at a big metal door in one of the walls. The bunker.
    The door must be two metres high, and Ryan sees a group of five guards standing around it. They all are wearing bulletproof vests and are equipped with machine guns.

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