Promise Me Anthology
cougar, tawny fur matted with
blood, its yellow eyes angry.
    It launched itself with a howl, tackling
Theo’s father, knocking him sprawling. The gun went off with a
boom. The cat screamed again, this time in pain, its back legs
digging with claws, shredding his father’s jeans as it ripped with
its front paws at his neck. His father grunted, trying to push the
monster away and protect his throat at the same time.
    Theo grabbed at the cougar, trying to get it
off his father, his hands slipping in the bloodied fur. Desperate,
he grabbed its ears, trying to pry its jaws away from his
    The cat let go, then turned, its long fangs
sinking into Theo’s arm. He shouted in pain, beating at the
monstrous head with his free arm. The cat worried his arm, both
forearm bones snapping with a sharp crack.
    Pain was immediate and excruciating,
sickening in its intensity. He went limp, losing consciousness.
    * * * *
    Theo blinked his eyes. It was morning. He was
lying on his back. He sat up, then tried to remember.
    The cougar had attacked!
    His eyes found his father’s crumpled form.
Theo crawled over, rolling over the bloodied body. His father was
dead, his eyes glazed over, the blood at his ripped out throat
still moist in places. His mother was also dead, her throat ripped
out, her body partially eaten. Flies were buzzing around the
bodies. Maggots had already been born in the wounds and were
crawling about eagerly, feasting.
    Theo turned and threw up. Then he bit his lip
hard, using the pain to make himself move. He had to get help. He
was injured; he’d heard the bone snap... Yet he was bracing his
weight on that same arm.
    Theo looked down at his arm, incredulous.
While his shirt was rent, half dried blood still covering the
flesh, the skin beneath was unbroken.
    What the hell?
    The crack must have been a branch beneath
him, the pain from the sheer jaw pressure of the bite. There was no
other rational explanation. What was important now was getting
help. The animal had attacked without warning. That meant it was
likely rabid. He would need shots very soon, unless he wanted to
    Theo laid the blood spattered sleeping bags
over his father and mother, then grabbed the gun, the few shells
left, and his own pack. His father’s cell phone was so much smashed
plastic. His own was nowhere to be seen.
    Theo began staggering back toward the house.
He made it to the shore of the lake before collapsing.
    * * * *
    “Wake up, boy.” A boot nudged Theo hard in
his side, making him moan.
    He blinked his eyes. There was a boy his own
age above him, looking down.
    “Please help,” he said weakly.
    “What the hell did you do?” the kid asked.
“You’ve got blood all over you.”
    Anger flared up inside Theo. He hadn’t done
anything. The world had once again kicked him in the balls just as
everything had been going right. “Do you have a cell phone?”
    “Maybe,” the kid said. “But I’m not going to
let you use it for free.”
    “Call 911,” Theo said. “Please, there’s been
a murder—”
    “I know,” the kid said, bringing out a knife.
“I saw the bodies.”
    Theo looked at him, unbelieving. This
couldn’t be happening...
    “Give me your wallet,” the kid said,
brandishing the knife. “I’ll put you in the boat, and you can make
it back to civilization. That’s my one and only offer.”
    Rage filled Theo. He had lost his father and
mother, and this asshole wanted money. He staggered to his feet
with a growl of fury, then reached for the kid.
    The kid stabbed him without a word, the knife
sliding into Theo’s side. At the sudden pain, the world went
    Theo roared, his mouth suddenly too full, the
sound muffled. He grasped the kid, even as the punk drew his arm
back to stab down again.
    His hands weren’t hands any more. They were
paws, huge claws extended.
    Those claws raked down, splitting the kid’s
shirt like butter along with his skin. The scent of blood filled
the air. The kid screamed,

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