Purge (Death Crusaders Motorcycle Club)

Purge (Death Crusaders Motorcycle Club) by Sandy Kline Read Free Book Online

Book: Purge (Death Crusaders Motorcycle Club) by Sandy Kline Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandy Kline
mister. You
think you can just utter some kind of esoteric mumbo jumbo and suddenly all my
baggage is just going to melt away, is that it? Or are you relying on that
giant cock of yours to get you out of a verbal jam here? I can’t believe I’m
saying this right now but don’t show me Blade, tell me.”
    He pauses in the middle of
stripping off his white tee shirt and stares at me for a moment with a confused
look on his face. This is where I find out if he’s just incredibly horny or he
really has some deep feelings like he professes.
    “I can’t get you out of my
head. You’re all I think about from sun up to sun down. You-”
    “Now I know you’re full of crap
Blade. You don’t get up anywhere near sun up and you don’t go to bed until well
after midnight.”
    I can see the gears turning
as he searches for words. “You’re like a…a disease Jen and from the moment you
    “What? That’s all you got?
I’m your disease?”
    “Well no…I just meant tha-”
    “What kind of disease am I
Blade, and think real good about your next answer. Do you see me as…a mild form
of curable cancer or something like leprosy? Am I a curable disease Blade or is
it fatal? Tell me now ‘cause this isn’t sounding too good.”
    “I didn’t mean that as a
negative thing at all Jen. I just get tongue tied when it comes to you that’s
all. I really care for you. I’ve never felt this way about another woman in all
my life.”
    “What about a man. Have you
ever had a disease over a man Blade?”
    “Very funny.” He replies
without laughing. I want you to-”
    “To be your disease, yeah I
got that Blade, loud and clear.”
    I want you to be my old lady
Jennifer Clarkson.”
    “What?” I ask as I step back,
barely suppressing a laugh. “What did you just say?”
    “I want you to be my old
lady.” He replies. “Don’t laugh. You have no idea how difficult it was to ask
that of you.”
    “Oh come on, it’s not like
you’re proposing to me.” I say.
    “Bikers don’t ask anything,
they take. They don’t ask anyone to be their old lady Jen. They grab the woman
by the hair, drag her ass to bed and fuck the shit out of her then they tell
her she belongs to him now.”
    “That’s…that’s barbaric Blade
and that won’t work on me.”
    “I thought you might feel
that way, hence my asking.”
    “Wow…so I mean that much to
    “More than you realize. I
thought I made that clear.”
    “So is this like, you want to
spend the rest of your life with me kind of commitment? Is this a monogamous
kinda deal here or are we talking like you get to screw around but if I do you
knock the shit out of me commitment?”
    “It’s a no shit knocking
monogamous commitment for life kind of commitment. Now can I just whip out my
giant cock and be done with all this talking?” He pleads with a smirk.
    “Yeah…” I say, stepping out
of the streaming water. “Go ahead and whip it out. You’re gonna need it.”
    “Not in there?” He asks,
pointing to the shower.
    “Naw, it’s way too cold now
to be enjoyable.”
    While he’s distracted taking
off his clothes I sprint over to the bed where I have a tee shirt waiting and
it’s on in record time. Then I lay back on the bed ready for him to take me. At
least now with me on my back he won’t be able to see the ugliness of my past
life etched into my skin.
    When he finishes and is
standing in front of me in all of his raging hard on glory I know he knows what
just happened here and the real reason I’m not in the shower anymore. I slip my
middle finger in my mouth seductively then pull it out when it’s nice and wet.
I watch his face as my finger draws a wet line from the tiny strip of hair at
the top of my kitty before slipping it between my velvety lips. I lick my
others as his cock jumps to attention. Suddenly we’re all about the fucking.
Hard, driving, pounding, sucking pleasure, exploding pleasure. When we finally
have exhausted our collective

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