than a few days. What if I couldn’t get out and he managed to get in. He’d kill the men and take me—
“No,” I said, the word escaping my lips.
“What’s the matter?” Dean asked sleepily, not really awake at all.
“Nothing,” I whispered, laying a hand on his shoulder. “Go back to sleep.”
He mumbled something incoherent then his breathing went back to that steady pace of deep sleep. I lay awake listening to him for a while, rolling over to watch the rise and fall of his chest in the faint glow from the sun rising outside.
* * * *
It felt as if I had just fallen asleep when I was jarred awake by a ringing phone. I opened my eyes to see Dean was no longer sprawled next to me. I blinked sleep from my eyes and sat up, looking around to see where everyone was.
“Good morning, sunshine,” Jasen called from the bar.
Glancing over, I saw him sitting on a stool drinking coffee and watching the television. Nate was on the phone again, and Dean was clanking around in the kitchen.
“What time is it?” I said through a yawn, stretching and groaning as my back popped.
“Almost noon,” Jasen said, matching my yawn.
“Hey Jo, the CDC guy said they’re coming in soon. They want to know if we need anything.”
“I’d love my suitcase out of my car,” I said, rolling to my feet. “They’ll have to come get my keys though.”
I thought it was nice of them to offer to bring us stuff. Personally, I would love to brush my teeth. And maybe even wash my hair. All of my clothes and makeup were packed into my travel bag. I just hoped they wouldn’t look in it before they brought it in. I wasn’t in the mood to explain to anyone why I carried a gun in my suitcase.
Nate hung up the phone and looked at me, he looked concerned. “Did you sleep all right?”
“As well as can be expected,” I said with a shrug. My muscles were aching from all of the activity the previous night, coupled with sleeping on the floor my body felt as if I’d been run over by a truck.
“Here,” Jasen said motioning for me to join them. “Aspirin and coffee.”
“I don’t have a hangover,” I said with a laugh.
“I know, but it’s a cure all. I swear. You’ll feel better in no time. Dean’s making breakfast.”
“How do you like your eggs?” Dean asked me, his head poking through the little window.
“Cooked,” I called back, accepting the little white pills Jasen held out for me. I swallowed them and chased it down with a few sips of hot, black coffee. I put my head on the bar and groaned with pleasure as Jasen stared massaging my shoulders. “Oh my God, that feels good.”
“Hey,” Nate called out. “No sex before breakfast.”
“Is that a rule?” I asked teasingly.
“It doesn’t have to be,” Jasen said, flicking his tongue against my earlobe.
Excitement stirred for a moment in my abdomen then died out just as quickly. I was too tired and far too sore to contemplate sex right that minute.
“I’m only teasing,” Jasen whispered as if he knew what I was thinking. “We don’t have enough time before the Haz-Mat boys come in anyway.”
Sitting up, I glanced around for my jeans. I spotted them under a table and went to pull them on. I didn’t want to be half naked when the CDC people came in to talk to us. After I got on my socks and shoes, Dean walked out of the kitchen with a tray of food. He set it on one of the tables before crossing the room to pull me into his arms.
“Good morning,” he said, lowering his head to kiss me. “I hope I didn’t keep you up with my snoring last night.”
“Not at all,” I laughed. “You barely made a sound.”
He took my hand and led me over to where Nate and Jasen were already shoveling eggs into their mouths. I sat down and took the plate Dean offered, smiling at the perfectly cooked scramble of eggs, sausage and peppers he’d put together for me.
I lifted a forkful toward my lips then paused, looking at the men. They were acting as if they
Eric Schmitt, Thom Shanker