
Quarantine by Dakota Rebel Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Quarantine by Dakota Rebel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dakota Rebel
Tags: Romance
hadn’t eaten in days.
    “I see I’m not the only one with a healthy appetite,” I said with a smile.
    “We’re men,” Nate replied as if that explained everything.
    I shook my head and took a bite of the eggs. They were perfect. It was a struggle not to devour everything quickly as the men were doing. I didn’t think it would be very ladylike though.
    When we were all finished, we sat back and looked around at each other. Jasen belched loudly and Nate punched him on the shoulder.
    “What?” Jasen asked defensively. “It’s a compliment.”
    I belched too, though softer than he had.
    “Excuse me,” I murmured, my hand over my mouth.
    Jasen raised his palm to high five me, and I clapped my hand to his, unable to contain my smile.
    “We’re a hell of a group,” Dean said, shaking his head, but he was laughing.
    “Fabulous,” Nate snorted. “Like I need someone encouraging Jasen’s disgusting behavior.”
    “Whatever,” Jasen said, waving his had dismissively at Nate. “You love it.”
    “I love you,” Nate replied with a shrug. “That doesn’t mean I love how you act.”
    Dean and I exchanged looks. He had just said to me that Nate and Jasen would never admit their feelings for each other, and then this morning, Nate blurted it out. I turned to look at Jasen. He had a bemused smile on his face.
    “Why Nate Dunham, you old romantic, you! Do you mean to tell me that all I had to do to get you to say that was infect everyone around us with Anthrax? Hell, I could have had that confession out of you months ago,” Jasen said, grinning widely.
    “Shut up.” Nate turned crimson but smiled as Jasen leaned over to kiss him.
    “Well, isn’t that adorable,” Dean laughed. “Hey, lover boys, help me clean up.”
    “I’ll help.” I got to my feet, but they all shouted me down.
    Jasen handed me the remote control before they picked up the plates and silverware then headed into the kitchen together.
    I took my coffee cup back up to the bar and started randomly flipping through the channels. The bar apparently had satellite TV, but even with six hundred channels there was nothing on. Finally, I just left it on the Game Show Network. An old rerun of What’s My Line was ending and Jeopardy was about to start.
    “Oh man, I love Jeopardy ,” Jasen said, walking back into the room, drying his hands on a dishtowel.
    “Me, too.” I turned up the volume a little. “I’m not very good at it though.”
    “Me, either,” Nate said, joining us at the bar. “Those Bible questions kill me every time.”
    “Oh sweet, Jeopardy .” Dean sat on the stool next to me as Nate and Jasen groaned.
    “What’s the matter?” I asked, looking over at them.
    “We hate watching with Dr. Know-It-All over there.” Jasen stuck out his tongue. “He gets every question right. Don’t ever take him up on it if he offers to play a Jeopardy drinking game with you. You’ll be drunk off your ass before the end of the first round and butt ass naked for Final Jeopardy .”
    I raised an eyebrow at him. “You have some experience with this then?”
    “Well…” Jasen blushed and chewed on his lower lip. “Just don’t wager sexual favors for correct answers with him unless you’re a fan of giving twenty minute blow jobs is all I’m saying.”
    “Is that so?” I turned to look at Dean, who was grinning at me.
    “Wanna play?” he asked, waggling his eyebrows at me.
    Before I could respond, there was a loud knock at the front door of the bar. Nate walked over to open the door, and three people in those large, yellow suits walked in. One of them was carrying a hard plastic briefcase and another was holding my suitcase.
    “How did you get into my car?” I asked suspiciously, walking over to meet them by the door.
    “We had a tow truck come with a slim-jim. Don’t worry, there’s no damage to your vehicle.”
    I sighed and took the bag from the woman who offered it to me. Jasen came up behind me and took the case, walking

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