Quick, Amanda

Quick, Amanda by Wait Until Midnight Read Free Book Online

Book: Quick, Amanda by Wait Until Midnight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wait Until Midnight
solicitor while going through some old papers.Wilson had immediately located the four young people,
    taken them into his household and made them his heirs.
    Some portions of the tale were certainly true, Adam mused. He and Julia and Jessica and Nathan were,
    indeed,Wilson 's heirs. But the relationship between the five of them was a good deal more murky and
    convoluted than anyone in the Polite World imagined.
    While he had turned over much of the day-to-day operations of his financial empire to Adam in the past
    fewy ears,Wilson was still as astute and cunning as he had always been. Because he was no longer
    required to apply his considerable abilities to his business affairs, he had a great deal of free time to work
    on other projects, such as maneuvering Adam into marriage.
    "I can see that you are determined to press on with your search for the diary,"Wilson said. "How do you
    intend to proceed?"
    Adam reached for the silver coffeepot. "On my way home this morning I recalled that one of your old
    friends Prittlewell was fascinated by psychical research for a time recently."
    Wilsonsnorted. "Prittlewell and everyone else in Society. I tell you, it is nothing less than astounding to
    see so many seemingly reasonable, educated people toss aside all common sense and natural skepticism
    when a medium levitates a table. I blame it on the Americans, of course. Whole thing started on the
    Other Side."
    "The Other Side?"
    "Of theAtlantic ."Wilson snorted. "The Fox sisters with their rappings and tappings, theDavenports with
    their cabinet séances, D. D. Home—"
    Adam frowned. "I thought Home was born inScotland ." "He may have been born there but he was
    raised inAmerica ."
    "I see," Adam said dryly. "I suppose that explains it." "Indeed. As I was saying, this isn't the first
    nonsense imported fromAmerica and it likely won't be the last" "Yes, sir. But my point is that your friend
    Prittlewell no doubt picked up some gossip and rumors concerning the community of mediums while he
    was attending séances and lectures on psychical research."
    "Very likely. What of it?"
    "I wondered if you might make some casual inquiries in that direction. Find out what he knows about
    Elizabeth Delmont and those who moved in her circle."
    Enthusiasm litWilson 's face. There was nothing he liked more than a bit of intrigue. "Very well. That
    might prove interesting."
    And with any luck, it will keep you too distracted to concentrate on your schemes to marry me
    off, Adam thought.
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    He was about to continue with his attempt at distraction when he heard the distant, muffled sound of the
    front door opening and closing. There was only one person who was likely to call at this unfashionable
    "Julia is here," Adam said." Remember, not a word of this to her. I do not want her to be concerned with
    this matter. There is no need for her to worry about it."
    "I agree. Trust me, I will say nothing."
    Light, brisk footsteps echoed in the hall. A moment later Julia appeared in the doorway. Both men rose
    to their feet.
    "Good day to you both." She swept into the room with a glowing smile. "I hope you are prepared to
    endure another invasion of workmen and decorators this afternoon"
    "Of course,"Wilson said. "We are proud to do our small part in connection with what will be the social
    event of the Season. Is that not so, Adam?"
    "So long as you keep your horde of laborers and decorators out of the library," Adam agreed, pulling
    out a chair. She made a face at him as she sat down. "Never fear, everyone understands that your library
    is sacrosanct. But I fear that it will be very busy around here for the next few days. I'm having fountains
    and mirrors installed in the ballroom. I think the effect will be quite riveting."
    "I'm sure it will be." Adam lowered himself back into his chair and reached for another slice of toast.
    "Your plans are going well, I assume?"
    "Yes, but I

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