Quick, Amanda

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Book: Quick, Amanda by Wait Until Midnight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wait Until Midnight
was forced to confess to Robert this morning that I may have overreached myself with the
    Roman villa theme this year."
    "Nonsense, my dear."Wilson sat down, beaming with fatherly reassurance. "If anyone can turn that old
    ballroom into a Roman villa, it is you. I have no doubt but that you'll be successful. You will amaze and
    astonish Society once again, just as you did last year."
    "I appreciate your confidence."Julia helped herself to some tea. "But if the affair does come off as
    planned, it is you, Uncle Wilson, who must take most of the credit. I could not possibly orchestrate such
    a major event without the use of the old ballroom. There simply is not enough space in the town house to
    stage anything more elaborate than a dinner party or a small soirée."
    "Your husband is very wise not to invest his money in a large house here in town,"Wilson said. "It would
    be a complete waste of money. He's got enough properties to maintain as it is, and your family is never
    inLondon long enough to justify the expense"
    Julia nodded and set down the teapot. "I cannot argue with that. By the way, Robert said to tell you that
    he plans to take the children to the fair in the park tomorrow. He wondered if you would like to
    accompany them."
    Wilsonlooked vastly pleased. "I shall check my appointment calendar to see if I am free."
    His appointment calendar would no doubt grant him ample time to accompany the children and their
    father, the Earl of Southwood, on the outing, Adam thought.Wilson would have cheerfully rescheduled an
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    audience with the queen to make room for an afternoon with the two youngsters.
    Julia gaveWilson a knowing look. "Going to the fair will also provideyou with an excuse to leave the
    house again while the decorators and the workmen swarm about the place. I must warn you that I can
    promise nothing but noise and commotion for the remainder of the week."
    "A Roman villa is not constructed in a day,"Wilson observed.
    Julia drank some tea. "By the way, I had a letter from Jessica this morning. She is having a glorious time
    inDorset . I gather that life on her friend's family estate is one grand round of picnics and games."
    "We had a note from Nathan telling us that he will be coming down to see all of us on the occasion of my
    birth-day next month,"Wilson said.
    "He is well?" Julia asked, a bit anxious. "I do worry about him devoting so much time to his books."
    "Do not concern yourself,"Wilson said easily. "He is perfectly content. I think he may have been born for
    the scholarly life."
    Julia smiled. "Who would have believed it?"
    The breakfast table chatter ebbed and flowed around Adam but he made little effort to contribute to the
    conversation. Not only were his thoughts focused on darker subjects; the long night was beginning to
    catch up with him. He wanted his bed.
    "Is something wrong, Adam?" Julia asked abruptly.
    You appear to be a million miles away. Am I boring you with my plans for the ball?"
    "No. I was just thinking about some business that must be attended to this morning." He tossed his
    napkin on the table. "If you will excuse me—"
    But it was too late. Julia was giving him a close, sisterly scrutiny. "What's this? Your shirt is rather
    crumpled and I do believe you have failed to shave this morning. That is quite unlike you."
    "Julia, if you don't mind, I must be off."He got to his feet. "Enjoy your breakfast. I will see you all later."
    Wilsoninclined his head, eyes narrowing slightly. "Get some rest"
    Julia's eyes widened. "Why do you need rest? Are you ill?"
    "I am feeling quite fit, thank you." Adam grabbed the folded copy of the Flying Intelligencer and made
    his escape from the breakfast room.
    He heard crisp footsteps in the hall behind him and stifled a groan. He should have known it wasn't going
    to be that easy.
    "Adam," Julia called firmly. "A word, if you please?' "What is it?" He walked into the

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