Reality Check

Reality Check by Jen Calonita Read Free Book Online

Book: Reality Check by Jen Calonita Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jen Calonita
breath,” Brooke says, just as much to calm herself as to calm us. “We want to seem like smart, sophisticated, self-assured young women.”
    “Especially you, Charlie,” Hallie adds.
    “Why me?” I ask.
    “Because you're going to be the star of this grand production if it happens,” Hallie reminds me. “And because you tend to get really nervous during stressful situations and, well, trip or spill something on yourself.”
    Brooke groans. “Please don't spill anything on my dress, Char! I've only worn it once.”
    “Guys, about this whole star thing,” I say uncomfortably. It's the first time I've ever really addressed it, but it's true. I feel strange being singled out from the rest of them, as if I'm somehow better than them, when I'm not. “You know I don't care about that, right? I don't want to be treated any differently from either of you. I'm not star material.”
    “You are with us standing right beside you,” Brooke tells me and squeezes my shoulder. “Not that I ever like to play backup, but I guess I can try.”
    “This is killing her, you know,” Hallie says to me. “Brooke would rather be doing
The Brooke Show
.” We all laugh.
    “I admit it.” Brooke shrugs, her red hair flying around as the wind whips through the open windows. “I wish I were the lead, but I'm still glad to be here. Without Charlie we wouldn't have this chance to get out of Dodge. Thanks, Char.” She smiles gratefully and I blush. I know it took a lot for Brooke to say that.
    We roll to a stop and I look out the window. We're in front of a restaurant called Nick and Toni's. The sign out front says closed tonight for a private party . The restaurant sounds familiar, but I'm not sure why. It's not like I spend much time in this part of town. The north shore we live on is mostly made up of farmland, wineries, and small towns, while the south shore has morphed into a mini-Hollywood. In the summer, celebrities flock to Amagansett, Sag Harbor, and the Hamptons as if they're giving away free face-lifts. Cover charges to get into clubs are high, Jimmy Choos are part of the dress code, and party invites are tougher to come by than Justin Timberlake tickets.
    “Oh my God, I know this place!” Hallie tells us excitedly as it comes into view. “It's a huge celeb eatery. I see it all the time in
. It's supposed to be impossible to get in here. I can't believe they closed it down for a party.”
    Brooke practices her yoga breathing. “Everyone act like the stars we know we are,” she instructs us. “And Kiki, stop biting your hair! It's gross.” Keiran lets the blond strand fall from her mouth and colors slightly. Satisfied, Brooke closes her brown eyes, takes another deep breath, opens her car door, and steps out. The rest of us follow like cattle.
    “Have fun, girls,” Todd tells us with a wink. “I'll be back at eleven-fifteen. That is, if I remember to check my watch.”
    Brooke approaches a young guy in a perfectly pressed suit and a wireless headset who is holding a clipboard. “Brooke Eastman,” she says confidently.
    The guy looks at his list, scanning the first page with his thumb and then the second. “Sorry, miss. You're not on the list.” At the same moment, he lets two people by him with just a nod of his head.
    Brooke waves the invite in front of him. “Check again. I have an invitation. Susan Strom herself gave it to me, I mean us, personally.”
    He doesn't seem to care who gave Brooke the invite. He gives a small smile. I think. “If you're not on the list, you're not on the list.”
    “That's impossible,” Brooke snaps.
    “Calm down.” I whisper and pull her out of the way. I give the guy a huge grin. “Hey there. Can you check again? I'm sure she's on there.” He shakes his head. “What about Keiran Weber?” Nope. “Hallie Stevens?” Nada. “Charlotte Reed?” I try.
    After checking page two, he looks up at me and unclips the rope. “Charlotte Reed plus three. You're all

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