“Wait.” Jenevier furrowed her brow. “I thought the Kougai was next week.”
“This is next week, Empress.” Yui kissed her forehead. “Never fear, Naga. You still have a couple hours before it begins. And… just in case you came back at the last moment, I have already laid out your lovely pink—”
“No.” She shook her head. “I want to wear the blue one.”
Yui bit his lip, then sighed. “Very well, Milady. As you wish.”
He headed toward their chamber, but she stopped him.
“Yui,” she said softly. “I can manage to get ready all on my own.” She gently stroked his cheek before kissing him there. “Go. Your chariot awaits you, Milord. And believe you me, Dragons are not the most patient of creatures. I will be just fine—dressing myself. You spoil me, lovely ninja.”
“As you say, Milady.” He kissed her then, a real kiss. “I will anxiously await my beautiful wife.”
“I will be there.” She smiled. “Promise.”
As Jenevier slipped on her sparkling sapphire shoes, she turned to admire her reflection in the mirror.
“I am honored,” Apollyon said, as he quietly entered her room. “ That dress on this day… you give me too much glory, Anicee.”
She smiled. “I like the way I look in this dress. I like the way it makes me feel.”
“Is that so? Well, I like the way it makes me feel,” he whispered, lightly kissing her cheek. “In this …” He slowly ran his fingertips down the jeweled bodice. “…you are truly my Sapphire Princess.”
“Yeah.” She glanced back at her reflection. “I don’t think Yui was too happy with my adornment choice. Yet to his credit, that beautiful husband of mine didn’t say a cross word about it. He did sigh, though.”
Apollyon didn’t speak, only gazed at her reflection as he quietly stood behind her.
“Tell me, Vindicus. Why am I honored with your glorious presence here at the palace? Should you not already be partaking in the pre-Kougai festivities? I mean, you are the honored grandfather of the main attraction.”
He smiled when she chuckled. “I was in the village, yes—awaiting the ceremonial reveal—when I overheard the Emperor tell Tenshi of your return.”
“Overheard, huh? You mean… you were eavesdropping, right?”
“Call it what you will.” He waved his hand, dismissively. “When I heard you were here, I knew I would get the chance to speak to you… un accosted.”
Jenevier snickered. “Is that so? Well, I guess it’s true. Your fan club around here is pretty slim.”
“You could say that, yes.”
“And…” She turned to face him. “What’s on your mind, darkest of Angels? Have you come to scold me for some unintentional transgression? Or did you plan on trying to steal me away from my perfect life?”
“Both… and neither.” He smiled and reached for her sapphire curl. “I have come to discuss an uncertain issue, Anicee, one that has me troubled.”
“Uncertain?” She furrowed her brow. “Why? What is it? I cringe when something is capable of troubling you . Tell me. Is something wrong?”
“I fear something soon will be, yes.”
“What do you mean?”
“I am not one hundred percent positive. Not yet. But… there seems to be a disturbance in Sheol.”
“In Sheol?” She visibly shivered at the word. “What kind of disturbance ?”
“ That is the part I am uncertain about. The walls have, how should I put it… thinned.”
“Yes.” He nodded. “I was passing through the Nether a few weeks ago and I heard a queer sort of mumbling.”
“In the Nether?”
“I heard it in the Nether, yes, but it wasn’t coming from there. I neared the individual portals and found that I could hear faint murmurings coming from each. Yet, it was louder, stronger near the entrance to Sheol.”
“And… that’s an unusual sort of thing?”
“Yes, Anicee. As you know, there is an entrance to each Otherworld in the Nether, yet they do not blend. One