Redeemed by Rubies (A Dance with Destiny Book 6)

Redeemed by Rubies (A Dance with Destiny Book 6) by JK Ensley, Jennifer Ensley Read Free Book Online

Book: Redeemed by Rubies (A Dance with Destiny Book 6) by JK Ensley, Jennifer Ensley Read Free Book Online
Authors: JK Ensley, Jennifer Ensley
Dimples. We were just lucky enough to receive an invitation.”
    “A royal invitation, yes.” Duhrias pulled her close. “So… are we going?”
    Lala only smiled.
    “In ancient times… through clandestine means and in sundry manners…”
    Duhrias squeezed Lala’s hand, but kept his gaze fixed upon the storyteller—center stage.
    “Our forefathers sought always to ensure their lineage… to ensure our future—the survival of man .” He lifted his arms. “We are a strong people, sturdy of build and sharp of mind. This we owe, in whole and in part, to a young boy known then only as… Thacius.”
    The low sound of drums began to softly echo throughout the theatre as the lone man stepped back into the shadows, and two costumed actors took his place.
    “Man was but one of many creatures to wander the hills and valleys of Dimthe Leard. He was not the most powerful. He was not the wisest. Yet, he was the most honorable.”
    The silent actors mimicked the orator’s words through mime and dance.
    “The Elves sought wisdom and beauty over all things. They worshipped the forest and sang their own praises through elaborate song and dance.”
    The spotlight fell upon the actor dressed as a regal Elf.
    “The Grindocs were the Elves mirror opposites.”
    The spotlight then shifted to the other performer.
    “Where the Elf Lords saw beauty and magic… the Grindoc Mages sought only darkness and power. And man… well, man’s heart was pure and undefiled. They were as babes before the other races. Their unfettered innocence, a blessing to be sure, was laughable not only to the dark and twisted ones, but to the high and enlightened ones as well.”
    The elaborately arrayed actors gracefully spun towards the outer wings of the stage, and a humbly adorned family approached the center. The man family began acting out their days as farmers—tilling the ground and sowing their seeds—hope and joy ever present on their dirty, yet smiling faces.
    “And so it was that man flourished in the North, and the North flourished under the diligent care of its noble keepers. Man stood as one, spoke as one, and communed as one.”
    The background drums grew louder.
    “Until the day… terror came to Atlaug and to young Thacius.”
    As an elegantly arrayed woman came to stand within the spotlight, eyes closed, the narrator continued.
    “And this … is his tragic story…”
    The lone woman opened her eyes then and began to sing. The accompanying music was a sorrowful duet of a soft harp and an ancient flute. The haunting words were as poignant as was the tune.
    The woman’s melodic voice was the most enchanting, most heartrending Lala had ever heard. Her breath caught, as painful tears burned the backs of her sapphire eyes. The song she heard that day… would remain in Lala’s weeping heart for as long as she yet drew breath.
    These are the words that pierced her through and through…
    In olden times… There was a river
    Ran between… Two mountain walls
    And the place… From where it started
    Was a place… Called Haunted Falls
    On the banks… There lived a good man
    With his son… And daughters, three
    And their shouts… Of pain and sorrow
    Echoed with… Their shouts of glee
    To the little… Town, the brother
    For some meal… One day had gone
    Left his Pa… And loving sisters
    For one… Quiet hour alone
    Hark, the sound… Of trampling horses
    Then the father… Turned in fright
    Just in time… To draw the door bolt
    As four Grindocs… Rode in sight
    Then he seized… And kissed his children
    Bade them neither… Speak nor cry
    Placed them in… A secret closet
    And prepared… Himself to die
    With one cruel… Push the Grindoc
    Flung the bolt… From off the door
    Grabbed him by… His long brown tresses
    Drug him to… The river shore
    There they sang… And danced about him
    Paid no heed… To his piteous cry
    Tossed him down… To the rocks beneath them
    Where in agony… He

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