Rednecks Who Shoot Zombies, on the Next Geraldo
Chris B. Lacher and Marc Paoletti
Copyright © 2011 by Chris B. Lacher and Marc Paoletti
Graphic Design Copyright © 2011 by Marc Paoletti
This ebook is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from Chris B. Lacher and Marc Paoletti.
Appeared originally in Phantasm Magazine #4 , published by Iniquities Publishing
eNovellas by these authors:
Rednecks Who Shoot Zombies, on the Next Geraldo
Jorge, El Raton Volador (by Marc Paoletti)
eAnthologies by Marc Paoletti:
The Day the Radio Did Most of the Talking and Two Other Stories
Bound by Blood: 3 Stories of Dark Crime
Risen: Three Tales of the Undead
Waking Up: 3 Stories that Blur the Lines of Reality
In Repose: An Illustrated Tale of Love & Death (illustrated by Michael Lark)
For more information, visit
If memory serves (and it seems service is much slower, these days), John Skipp told me he was collecting stories for Book of the Dead 2 , so Marc and I decided to write "Geraldo" together. I don't recall who came up with the idea or the title, but Geraldo Rivera's talk show was still pretty popular then, the dick—so that's where the title came from.
We're both still pretty happy with both—story and title—even after all these years. One thing that I do recall very clearly, the zombie art scene was all Marc's doing, and that's what really makes this story stand out for me. It's a brilliant and natural extension from the Bub character in Day of the Dead, and it's brilliantly done (I didn't write a word of it, nor did I ever want to change a word of it, either). Big Bub salute!
—Chris B. Lacher
As usual, Chris is understating his contribution. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have ventured to co-author a story of this length so early in my writing career—heck, I wouldn’t have wouldn’t have become a writer, period. It was his counsel and friendship that started me on the road to becoming a published author.
Plenty of other people can say the same since New Blood Magazine —the mag that Chris founded, and I was lucky enough to co-edit in a very modest way—helped many horror authors get their start, or at least gain traction. Authors whose names you’d recognize.
“Geraldo” was a lot of fun to write, and I can’t imagine writing it with anyone else. We wrote it years ago, but the fun of that experience stays with me to this day. Okay, enough of this smoke-blowin’. Let’s get this show on the road…
— Marc Paoletti
Rednecks Who Shoot Zombies, On the Next Geraldo
Chris B. Lacher and Marc Paoletti
The sun was setting, the air didn’t hardly stink at all, and the drive only took him ten miles out of town.
The prison complex was visible from the main highway. From his seat on the prison bus, Tom could make out the concrete fingers of cellblocks. At center was the administration building bordered by a massive present wall topped with spirals of razor wire. To the left was farmland, once used for planting and furlough programs; now it was nothing more than pits of black mud, thick as tar.
Static crackled over the intercom. Tom looked to the driver, a fat unhealthy piece of work that looked like he’d been around forever.
“Up Shit Creek Without A Paddle Tours would like to thank you all for joining us today,” he snickered. “If you’ll look straight ahead, you’ll see the last stop on our tour, The Texas New World Facility, formerly the Huntsville Federal Correctional Institution.” He turned on Tom and smiled