Relentless Lord
place between her thighs.
    Then she met his gaze again, accepting the desire she saw there. Accepting her own desire that ran like fire through her bloodstream.
    Smiling, she said, “I am already out. Turn your attention to some other young woman. You will not have me.”
    Without waiting for his reply, she turned and strolled back down the path the way they had come.
    Miles waited until she was out of sight and then took a massive breath and dunked beneath the water. He did not come back up until his lungs burned and his head grew fuzzy.
    And when he did break the surface, it was with a raw curse.
    “Bloody fucking hell. I’m a goner.”
    Then he burst into full-throated laughter.

Chapter Six
    The next evening was an elaborate dinner party with a guest list that extended to local gentry. Two long tables were set up in the dining room and were crammed with diners seated elbow to elbow. Miles was disappointed to find that Hannah had been placed at the opposite table nearly the full length of the room away. It made for a very dull dinner.
    By the time the gentlemen finished their port and cigars and joined the ladies in the drawing room, his target was fully ensconced within a gaggle of ladies. That she was already peering across the room at him suggested she had been watching and waiting for his reappearance. That he detected a distinct light of triumph in her gaze, told him she had infiltrated the close-knit group with the express intention of thwarting his attention.
    Poor girl, he thought as he made a beeline for her position. If she expected a handful of females would deter him, she had no idea who she was up against.
    Her gaze darkened and her expression faltered as she realized his intention. Her traitorous cousin, who was seated beside her, looked up as well and noted his approach. Miss Tremaine said something in an aside to her two friends, who in turn peeked at him from beneath coyly sweeping lashes.
    Miles recognized the look. The one innocents sent his way all too often. More so once rumors had started to spread that he had a penchant for ruination.
    He didn’t.
    In fact, he had never given any undue attention to an innocent in his life. But once one wayward debutante had made the unfounded accusation several years ago, others followed suit. Miles became the go-to scapegoat for young ladies who needed an excuse to get married and quickly. Of course, there were also those women who earnestly sought his attention, hoping for an exciting dalliance. Such had been the case with Miss Walpole’s older cousin, Jacqueline. That one had been relentless in her insistence they commence an affair. Miles had never been interested in the woman. When she’d finally accepted that fact, she’d thought to force the issue by insisting he had seduced her.
    Lucky for Miles, her father had absolutely no intention of giving his precious daughter to a scoundrel. Instead, Lord Tremaine had her married off to a very proper and staid example of manhood.
    Miles rather enjoyed the false reputation he had built up. He had fun with the notoriety and the persona it gave him. Never mind that when it came to romance he was much more circumspect. One could even say he was downright traditional. Oh, he was a flirt to be sure. But he never pursued a woman who did not know exactly what to expect from him.
    Until Miss Walpole, that was.
    He supposed he should take some time to consider what that might mean.
    But not just now, as he finally reached the group of females forming an unintentional barrier between him and his current objective.
    “Ladies,” he said with a winning grin, addressing them all at once. “I wonder if I might borrow Miss Walpole for a moment. I understand she has significant knowledge on a topic with which I find myself rather fascinated.” Finally focusing on her directly, he asked, “Miss Walpole, would you take a turn about the room with me?”
    She was going to refuse. He could see it in her stern chin and her lowered

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