
Relinquished by K.A. Hunter Read Free Book Online

Book: Relinquished by K.A. Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.A. Hunter
Tags: thriller, Romance
needed to keep things light just as I had so far.
    “Um…” I rubbed my lips with my index finger, pretending like I was contemplating. “Until this morning, I’d never stepped foot in a gym.”
    He lit up with curiosity. “Now that’s surprising, but I don’t mind being the one to teach you anything you want to learn.”
    My heart fluttered up a storm in my chest. If this feeling didn’t only happen when he was around, I’d swear I had a murmur or something. When we spent time together, I forget about all the jacked up things waiting for me when I got back to reality, and I wanted to find a way to hang out with him as long as possible.
    He casually placed his hand on the top of my seat’s headrest and tilted his head to the side. “What about driving?  You never wanted to learn?  I can teach you that too if you like.”
    I had to snicker at that.  Shortly after we’d first talked, he spotted me walking from the motel to work one evening and was shocked when I told him I didn’t drive. I don’t expect him to fully understand since I imagine he’d had his own car the moment he turned sixteen and got his license.
    When he’d first asked questions out of curiosity, I told him what I tell everyone else.  Everything is within walking distance for me, and I don’t need to waste money on a car. If he only knew the whole truth. “I never said I didn’t know how.  I said that I don’t.”
    “Do you want to now?” He gestured at the wheel. “I can pull over.”
    I looked around, really wanting to but knowing better.  I’d driven plenty of cars like this one, which was why I couldn’t take him up on his offer.  “No.  I’d rather not get pulled over without a license.”
    His eyebrows raised. “Hmm.  Should I ask?”
    “You can ask, but it doesn’t mean I’m going to tell you,” I flirted, enjoying our playful back and forth way too much. A genuine grin broke out on my lips.  Damn, Holden could make me smile so easily. Around him, I seemed to forget about all the shit in my life. Was this what it felt like to be free?
    “How about you?” I asked, wanting to take the focus off me. “What made you get into the fitness business?”
    He settled further in his seat, completely at ease. “Since Dante and I grew up at a military school, we learned self-defense as far back as I can remember, and I became fascinated with martial arts.”
    My eyes widened. “Military school, wow.  I can see Dante going to military school, but you seem so laid back.”
    A sad expression covered his face. “Yeah, our dad is in the security business and travels a lot, so he sent us somewhere to give us a more stable life. We only stayed with him during the holidays and our summer break.”
    Interesting. Although we were from completely different worlds, the three of us had grown up in brick and mortar institutions. I wondered what their mother was like, and how she felt about sending her sons off to be raised by other people.
    He shook his head. “We’ve always been active in one way or another.  Dante has a business degree, and I went into sports physical rehab.  It just made sense that we went into business together by opening a gym.  We started out with just athletes but found a way to make our program work for anyone who wanted to live a fit life.” His eyes came to life when he looked at me. “There are a couple guys that instruct the self-defense classes, but that’s my favorite thing to teach. I can show you some moves when you’re ready.”
    “That would be great.” I wish I’d known those moves earlier on in my life.  I bet I could’ve gotten out of a lot of situations had I known how to protect myself better, how to protect other people better.
    It began to lightly drizzle as we got off the freeway, but he didn’t seem daunted. The surrounding area was bland until the ocean appeared, seemingly out of nowhere and took my breath away.
    I sat up straight and peered through the lightly spotted

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