Reminding The SEAL (Navy SEAL Military Romance)
who you say I am?”
    “You want proof? Let me help you remember,” she moved towards him again but he didn’t stop her. “You want proof? Here,” her voice raised a decibel. She took his hand and before he could stop her she placed it over her racing heart. “This heart only beats for you,” she said in a softer tone. She placed her other hand over his heart, “And there was a time, your heart only beat for me.”
    A flicker of something crossed Demetri’s face, but it disappeared quickly. He then pulled his hand away and stepped back. “You’d better go,” he grunted.
    “Come back to the resort with me,” she suggested.
    “I’m not going anywhere,” he told her. “Now, go back to your resort with your friend over there and leave me alone.”
    “I’ll be back tomorrow,” she said.
    “Suit yourself, lady,” his voice had softened a bit.
    Mike took her elbow and led her back down the path. As she walked away, she felt like all the grief of the past month resurfaced. Her legs could hold her no more and she fell to the ground and let out a piercing cry. Her heart was breaking all over again and she didn’t know how to stop it. She didn’t know how to help her fiancé.

    Chapter Six
    “Demetri…Demetri,” he repeated several times, trying to see if the name fit. Demetri raked his hand through his long dark hair and stared into the ebbing fire. The cry of the pretty blond woman still echoed through his mind. He was mean to her, he knew that, but something happened to him when she was around that scared the shit out of him. He couldn’t quite explain what scared him, but it was as if she knew him more than he knew himself. Like she knew secrets about him that even he didn’t want to know. Her green eyes bore into his soul and that made him wary.
    He could still feel where she laid her hand on his heart and it started racing at the memory. He could tell she was in pain, but he could not remember her. What made him angry was that he was just beginning to accept his life and then she came along to upset things. He was just getting things started with Selai, the native girl, and he didn’t want to hurt her. He had to admit that she liked him more than he liked her, but she was a good girl and he was fond of her.
    “Caroline,” he muttered and her face flashed before him.
    It was weird, the picture of her face which briefly crossed his mind. In it, she was smiling brightly and her emerald eyes sparkling. It was then that he realized it was a memory and not his imagination. He tried to recall when he saw her like that, but it could not have been yesterday or tonight.
    He couldn’t sit still, so he took a walk beside the ocean, willing himself to remember. He stopped and looked out over the expanse of the pacific and wondered what secrets lied there. This was the very beach where Selai and her brother found him. Was he on a cruise? How did he get there? Was he shipwrecked? All they told him was that he had drifted in on a piece of wood, unconscious.
    Without thinking, he found himself walking towards the resort. There were people taking walks or sitting on the sand. He was about to return to his little hut when he saw her. She was alone. He was sure it was her because her long golden hair lifted in the wind and her profile was already etched in his mind. Why was he so scared to let her get close? He wondered. Then, someone walked up behind her. It was the guy she was with earlier. The fellow placed a hand around her shoulder and she rested her head against him.
    An emotion Demetri hadn’t felt since coming to the island surfaced. Anger flared like gas to flames as he watched them. He glared at them for what seemed like minutes, his blood pumping fiercely in his veins. Frustrated at his reaction, he stomped away and pushed her from his mind.
    “What the hell?” he asked himself as he walked away. “She said she was my fiancée, right? Then what the fuck is she doing with another man?

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