Reminding The SEAL (Navy SEAL Military Romance)
Did we have a fight? Did we breakup?”
    The questions haunted him all night, even after he went back to his hut. Many questions ran through his mind, but the most prominent question was, “Why was I so angry?”
    * * * *
    “Don’t worry too much,” Mike said, placing his arm around her shoulder.
    She rested her head on him and sighed. The pain inside her chest hadn’t subsided, but she had stopped crying. He’d insisted that she not go back to her empty room, that the night air would do her good.
    “Why was he so cold?” she asked into the wind.
    “He’s just confused and shocked, maybe,” Mike replied. “He’s been here a month now with no contact from his past, and suddenly, you show up telling him you were getting married. Anyone in his situation would be shocked, especially since he can’t remember.”
    “You think so? It seems he hates me. That girl, he may have fallen in love with her and resents me for interrupting his life.”
    Mike turned to face her, dropping his hand in the process, “That’s a possibility, but you must not lose hope.”
    “Why are you so good to me? We hardly know each other,” she mumbled.
    “Because I like you…a lot. I also know you are going through a rough time and I want to help you through it.”
    Absently, she reached over and kissed his cheek. It was a surprise for both she and Mike, but she was thankful that he was there and wished she could offer him more.
    “I’m tired. I need to go lie down,” her voice registered her weariness so Mike took her back to her room.
    “See you tomorrow,” he said, brushing the back of his hand against her cheek. Their eyes locked for a moment and she blushed and smiled nervously up at him.
    “My brother will be here tomorrow, so don’t worry about me,” she said a little shakily.
    “Okay, take care.”
    After he left, she changed and hopped into bed. Exhausted, Caroline fell into a deep slumber. When she awoke the following morning, she was feeling ready to face whatever was in store for her. She showered and dressed, then headed towards her fiancé’s shack. For the past year, she’d been wearing her engagement ring. It was the only thing she had of their love with her. There were many photos, gifts, and mementos back home. But she was on an island in the middle of the pacific and she did know how to get through to him.
    She met him on the beach holding a stick with a fish hanging from it. He was wearing those cutoff jeans he had on the other day and an old faded t-shirt. He was also sporting a stubble, giving him a rugged sexy look, the way she always liked to see him. Her heart leapt at the sight of him.
    “Hi,” she smiled brightly.
    A shadow crossed his face and he hooded his eyes so she could not see into them. “Morning.”
    Caroline looked at her one carat platinum engagement ring and swallowed. She hadn’t taken it off since he proposed to her. Not one day had she gone without it, and she never planned to take it off, ever.
    Slowly, she pulled it from her ring finger and held it out to him. Demetri looked at her with a puzzled expression.
    “What’s that?”
    “It’s the ring you gave me. I never took it off, even when they told me you were dead,” she swallowed hard and tried not to break into tears again. “I never planned to take it off. But I think you should keep it. When you remember me, I want you to give it back.” He continued to look at her. “Take it,” she insisted.
    When Demetri made no move to take the ring from her, she reached for his free hand, turned the palm up, and placed the ring in it, then she closed his fingers over it. “Please keep it safe. It’s the most precious thing I have.” On impulse, she reached up and kissed him softly on the lips, “I love you,” she said, her voice cracking a little.
    He stood transfixed and stared at her with an expression she couldn’t read. Was it bewilderment or confusion? She wasn’t sure. She left him and returned to the resort

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