Restless (Relentless Series Book 2)

Restless (Relentless Series Book 2) by Alyson Reynolds Read Free Book Online

Book: Restless (Relentless Series Book 2) by Alyson Reynolds Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alyson Reynolds
basket. He shot me a heartbreakingly beautiful smile and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the front of the store.

It might be spring, but in California it was warm enough to wear shorts. I loved living in a place that never really got cold. Deep down I was a summer girl. Two dresses were laid out on the bed for me to choose from for my date with Stephen. My nerves were out of control and the butterflies in my stomach were trying to escape.
    Violet called me from the hall and I peeked out to see what she needed. Harper was perched on her hip gurgling away. She giggled and reached out when she saw me. I took her from Vi and tickled her feet.
    “We thought we might grill out tonight.”
    “I’m going out for dinner.”
    She looked at me suspiciously. I’d been staying at home a lot since my fight with Stephen, so this was a new development.
    “You’re not pissy anymore. What happened when you went to the store?”
    Harper tangled her hands in my long dark hair as she squealed and flailed. She was always excited to see me, but she must have picked up on my good mood.
    “You’re lying.”
    “No, I’m not.” I narrowed my eyes at her, but a muscle below my eye ticked.
    “You so are! You’re doing that thing.”
    “What thing?” I asked exasperated.
    “That ticky eye thing. Your eye twitches when you lie.”
    “It does not,” I said stubbornly. Vi looked past me into my room.
    “So you’re going out to dinner? Who’s your date?”
    “God, you’re so fucking nosy. I thought we were past this. Aren’t we supposed to be adults now?”
    “Language!” Vi chastised. I winced as I looked down at Harp. “Baby ears.”
    “Oops. Sorry, Harper.”
    Violet grabbed my arm and drug me into my room. I followed her in reluctantly. She stared at the dresses and pointed at the green one.
    “It’ll bring out your eyes.”
    “My eyes don’t change like yours do according to what you wear.”
    She scoffed. “Of course they do. Everyone’s eyes do that. Throw it on.”
    I grabbed the dress and handed Harper back to Violet. The skater dress really did flatter what little curves I had. Instead of being curvy like my sister, I had a lean runner’s body. For years I had been jealous of her boobs and ass, but now I see it as a blessing. I won’t have to worry about sagging as I get older.
    “So what do you think?”
    “Stephen’s eyes are going to fall out.”
    I narrowed my eyes. “Who said it was Stephen? I'm going out to dinner with a friend.”
    “A friend,” she said rolling the words around on her tongue. “Okay. Well, at least this friend has you in a better mood. I can’t deal with the moody bitch anymore.”
    “Thanks, Violet. Love you too.”
    “I’m just worried about you. You have to admit, you haven’t been yourself lately.”
    “That’s because my life is falling apart around me.”
    “You can fix it. Go out with your friend and talk about your issues. Your friend misses you too.”
    “I don’t know why I put up with you sometimes,” I said as I looked at her in the mirror. Pulling my hair up into a messy bun, I quickly tugged pieces into place. It was time to get away from Violet and her knowing eyes.
    “You love me.”
    “Yeah, yeah.”
    Harper clapped and grinned up at me. “See, even Harp likes it.”
    “As long as she approves, then I guess this is what I’m wearing.”
    Violet stood up and started towards the door. She hesitated and turned back towards me.
    “What do you feel like you need to say and haven’t?” I asked putting my hands on my hips.
    “Just,” she paused. “Don’t push him away. He needs you as much as you need him. You came back, and that says something about what you want. Don’t beat yourself up because you made a mistake.”
    The lump in my throat was hard to swallow around. I nodded and ducked my head. Sometimes my sister knew me better than I knew myself.

    Stephen stared at me over the menu he held in his hands. There was a

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