Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4)

Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4) by Michelle Woods Read Free Book Online

Book: Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4) by Michelle Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Woods
bikers. Not since Annie’s kidnapping the first time she’d tried. The Jackal’s had been the ones she’d tried to work with, and that had ended with her daughter getting kidnapped. Working with bikers wasn’t something that she was willing to do after that disaster. Well, except for the Bandits. Her mother did work with one of them. Of course, she hadn’t known that he was a member of a biker gang until after she’d been working with the man for over four years. Lifting another gun, she stared at it in amazement. Because over half the guns in this basement had the sun and moon emblem her mother used to stamp her product.
    Tank smiled to himself as he climbed on his hog and headed over to the club house . He wasn’t sure why he trusted Annie at his home, he wasn’t usually so willing to give anyone the run of his home. He’d never left a woman unattended at his place, not in the six years he’d lived there. It had seemed right with Annie, natural. Which was strange. Shaking his head as he pulled up to the clubhouse, he noticed that he was late. Shit, he hated being late. He was the vice president of the Red Devils, and he shouldn’t set a bad example by being late. Only he’d wanted to get Annie to his place before she could change her mind, and insist on staying with Trick and Katie instead.
    Climbing off his hog, he headed inside . He’d needed to know that she was in his space. Only he hadn’t remembered in his rush to get her there that he hadn’t cleaned the place in over two weeks. Walking in and remembering the mess he’d allowed to pile up had embarrassed him.
    She must think he was a fucking slob. He wasn’t usually so sloppy, only lately he’d been volunteering for jobs that would take the newly married men in the club from their women for a long period of time. So that his brothers could spend time with their women, after all what the hell else did he have to do.
    Entering the clubhouse, he tossed his phone into the bin , and handed his Beretta to the prospect sitting at the table. Then headed into church.
    As he entered , Duck growled, “’bout damned time, boy.”
    Ignoring him , Tank sat down next to Bone, that old bastard was always being a dick. Bone nodded at Tank, a slight smile curving his lips. Fuck, the bastard knew about Annie. Bone didn’t say anything about her, thankfully. When he spoke his voice was hard and the slight smile had left his face, replaced by a grim expression.
    “Tank is going to share some information he received today so we can discuss it.” He turned , looking at Tank who faced the other men in the room.
    “I went to meet a contact about the Jackal’s and their new partners , the Headhunter’s MC, only he never showed. Since, he didn’t show, I decided to head over to grab a bit at a nearby diner where I met a woman.” He was about to tell them about the woman’s insistence that a gun dealer was running guns through their territory.
    Only Duck interrupted him, “Nobody wants to hear about your sex life, get to the important stuff!”
    “You’re asking for it old man! This is the important stuff.” Tank bellowed, glaring at the older man.
    “Stop, now!” Bone roared, making both men glare at him instead.
    “So, like I was trying to explain before that geezer interrupted.” Duck snorted, but a glare from Bone silenced him, he sat back with a huff. “She was acting a bit odd and I’m not sure how accurate the information is, but she told me that the Jackal’s were planning to raid a weapons convoy sent out by someone I’d never heard of. His name is Looney Louie. Anyone heard of him?” He looked around the room seeing heads shaking and furrowed brows. It was disturbing for them to know that a weapons dealer was running guns through their territory without their knowledge.
    “We’ve been wondering where they keep getting all the hardware. Now we have a name. We need to find out if th is man is supplying them with guns, or if the

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