Resurrecting Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 13)

Resurrecting Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 13) by Julia Mills Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Resurrecting Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 13) by Julia Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julia Mills
Tags: greek gods, Dragons, Werewolves, shifters, phoenix
didn’t even try to clean up the scene or hide their trail. I know we can track her. We’re only here to get reinforcements before entering the griffin compound and taking the phoenix by force, if necessary.” Rory knew Kellan wasn’t asking permission. He was telling Rian exactly what he had planned and if the youngest O’Reilly brother wasn’t mistaken, his best friend was daring Rian to stop him. It was good to see Kellan assuming his role as Commander after relinquishing it so long ago.
    Way to go, Kell. Wait! Phoenix?! Claire’s a phoenix?
    Rory stored that little tidbit away to think about later as he continued to do everything in his extremely limited power to wake his dragon. Thoughts of Claire would not stay away. He’d never met a phoenix. Thought they were the figment of someone’s very active imagination if he was being completely honest with himself, but there was certainly no denying what he felt. It also explained the fire he’d seen when watching her though his mind’s eye.
    The thought of Claire hurt and at the mercy of the griffins pissed him off. He’d never wanted a mate. Had been sure he’d go the Heavens a lone dragon with a long list of battles fought and won, not to mention a whole lot of good times under his belt. But Fate had different plans. Now that the youngest O’Reilly knew she existed, knew who she was, had felt her touch, there was no way in hell he was letting some stupid son of a bitch like Malick Slade take her from him.
    “Do you have a plan?” Rian and Max asked in unison.
    “Well, it had better include me,” Royce’s voice interrupted from the far end of the room followed by the slam of a door.
    “Count me in,” Kayne hollered from somewhere behind Rory’s head.
    When did he get here?
    “And if you think you’re going anywhere without me then you better be ready for an ass kicking,” Maddox snarled.
    Hold on folks, Madman Maddox is in the house.
    “Let’s just assume every Guardsman that wants to go is going.” Rory had to smile at how naturally his oldest brother took command. Even with the King of the Big Cats in the same room, it was Rian that called the group to order.
    “The more the merrier.” Lennox chuckled.
    And here’s Lenn with the comic relief...
    “Yeah, just as long as you don’t blow the place up.” Rory was glad to hear Kell trying to joke.
    Not his fault the griffins are bastards.
    “Raphael and Ernesto are still at the accident site. I spoke to Santiago. He and Matías just left the Pride,” Juan Carlos added.
    “Good,” Max murmured. Rory could feel that the King was deep in thought and had to wonder what the wily panther was thinking up. Rory had seen first-hand what Max and his Pride were capable of. Their ability to get into places the dragons simply could not was undeniable, and their tracking abilities rivaled Kell’s, which was seriously saying something. Working together was the best chance they had of liberating Claire from the griffins.
    Wonder where Max’s sister is? Sophia’s usually right by his side...
    Focusing on the chaos at hand, the youngest O’Reilly brother tried to at least move a finger or a toe, anything to let someone know he was aware of what was going on around him... but nothing happened. His frustration at his inability to break free of the hellhound toxin, coupled with his rage that Malick and his griffins had dared to take his mate against her will, was quickly driving him mad. His pulse was racing. His heart was pounding. He could feel the poison once again moving through his veins. He had to wake his dragon. It was the only chance he had to get to Claire.
    Wake up! What the hell is wrong with you? Claire needs us!
    While he continued the battle with his sleeping beast, the planning session around him moved on.
    “You said there was magic. Kyra and I can go along to run interference,” Calysta offered her help.
    “That won‘t be necessary. Griffins aren’t known for their magical ability or

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