Resurrection of the Fallen (Book 1): Surviving New York

Resurrection of the Fallen (Book 1): Surviving New York by Misti Vanhoy Read Free Book Online

Book: Resurrection of the Fallen (Book 1): Surviving New York by Misti Vanhoy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Misti Vanhoy
Tags: Zombie Apocalypse
turning it a pale blue color. It was brighter than the moon’s beams shining down on the city and offered us a sanctuary; a way to survive when we were most vulnerable. At first I thought it was to help us see so we wouldn’t be taken by surprise, but when we learned of the zombie’s blindness in light, I knew that was why it was designed. Someone was out there and had learned the secret to surviving before we had and they wanted to help us live.
    I’ve tried for years to convince my dad to seek these people out. I was sure that we could find them without much of a problem now. The herds of zombies were thinning out in the city. Some had gone on to other places while others simply hid away within the darkest alleys and corners. They were growing too weak to do much to us now. If we wanted to be safe, now was our chance to make a break for it. He just didn’t see it my way on this. He felt that we could wait it out here in this hotel another four years and be fine. He thinks it’ll all be over by then. The rest of the group felt mixed about it, too. Reagan loved my idea, which wasn’t surprising. She wanted the chance to kick some zombie ass instead of being held up here much longer. Brantley sided with my father on the issue. He felt it was too risky to make a break for it. Finding food was hard enough in his opinion.
    They discussed it every night when the light would cover the sky. It was a constant push for some to convince the others we needed to leave here, but Reagan was just more vocal about it than I was. I think she loved questioning my dad’s leadership and knowledge. Almost as though she was trying to see how far she could push until he’d back down and let her take over. I knew that she’d be in for the long haul despite her efforts. My father was a hard one to get to crack.
    Sure enough, once the sun went down and that beautiful blue color filled the streets, the arguing started within the walls of the hotel room. “We are not going to leave this damn place until this is all OVER !” my dad yelled. It had happened so often that I could picture his face in my head in that moment. Bright red with fuming eyes and his teeth gritted together. It was a scene that I had seen many times. He was a bit of a hothead when people continuously defied him or disbelieved him. He used to have a bad reputation back home for beating a neighbor to the brink of death. Had he not been a steeple of the community, and the neighbor hadn’t been a child molester, he would’ve been thrown in prison for about five years, maybe longer had he not stopped when he did.
    “I don’t see why you won’t go! It could be safer than here! Someone has to be there to turn the damn thing on !” Reagan shouted louder. Her expression would be one of amusement mixed with anger at his stupidity. I’ve had to watch them for so long that I didn’t even need to be in there to know how they glared at one another right now. I knew beforehand what would be said because it was always the same. You’d think that after so long, they would come up with a new argument or just stop it altogether, but the rest of us weren’t that lucky.
    “It’s not happening! My children will not leave the safety of this hotel so long as there is ONE zombie left in this God-forsaken city!”
    “Your daughter is the one who suggested it in the first place! Don’t you think she’s smart enough to make these types of decisions for herself?! Or old enough?! After all, she’s the one who observed these things more than the rest of us have!” This would be where my dad would turn a brighter shade of red at the mentioning of my idea. He couldn’t stand having me thrown up in his face or that I even watched those things enough to realize their movements.
    “You’re right. She’s smart enough and knows enough, but she’s still my daughter and always will be. We’re not leaving! Go to your death if that’s what you want, but don’t you dare bring my children in

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