
Revenge by Mark A. Cooper Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Revenge by Mark A. Cooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mark A. Cooper
He was dazed, panting and sweating. Jason had killed before—an enemy on Jakarta—but that has been a war zone. This was an English civilian—just an old man like his grandfather. Andrew stopped and took off his jacket. He wiped Jason’s face with his hand and placed his jacket around Jason. He could see Jason was in shock. This was one time Jason didn’t need to act.
    The bus ride back to Andrew’s home was a hazy dream to Jason. When they got off the bus and started to walk, he kneeled down and threw up. Andrew helped him to his feet.
    As they entered Andrew’s home, Lin Cho was waiting in the hallway with his driver/bodyguard, Kotang. Kotang stood nearly seven feet tall; he was so wide that he had to turn his shoulders to get through most doors. He had once been a Japanese sumo wrestler, but after he had murdered a woman in Japan, he had fled to Great Britain. Cho looked at Andrew as they entered. He noticed that Jason was covered in blood.
    â€œIs he all right? You should not have taken him. He is too small. I knew he would get hurt.”
    â€œNo, Father, he’s fine. Jason killed him. It was his first kill, and he’s just shaken up,” Andrew said as he took Jason to the kitchen. Cho and Kotang followed.
    â€œ Jason killed him? It seems you have found a worthy friend. A boy with his looks, a Westerner, could be very useful to us.” Cho grinned. Jason pulled off his shirt and stuck his head under the flow of cold water. He watched the water turn red as it washed the blood off his face. When he was clean, he dried off. He faced Andrew.
    â€œDid I do all right, Andrew?”
    â€œYes and no. I never told you to kill him. You were supposed to keep watch. But, damn, you were so fast!”
    â€œBoys, I am going to see Boudica in an hour, and I would like you two to join us.” This was the break Jason had been hoping to get—a chance to meet Boudica.

Chapter 8
    Andrew smiled at Jason. They both sat in the back of Lin Cho’s Rolls-Royce on their way to see Boudica. Andrew told Jason to keep the black leather jacket because it suited him.
    Jason didn’t reply. He was still thinking about the shopkeeper. He couldn’t feel a pulse! Maybe he had been feeling in the wrong place? He told himself that had to be it. The knife was there just as George had said. It must have been a fake knife with animal blood.
    They eventually came to a large industrial park. At the far end was a huge, dirty building with many other buildings connected to it. Trucks drove in and out of the large, guarded gates. An eight-foot fence topped with barbed wire surrounded the entire compound. Security cameras were mounted every forty feet. Jason noticed security guards with guard dogs patrolling the perimeter inside and outside.
    â€œIs this a prison?” Jason asked.
    Cho and Kotang laughed at his remark.
    â€œThis is Boudica’s factory. Have you heard of ‘B Food Company, Ltd.’?” Andrew asked.
    Jason paused and thought as the car stopped at the front gates.
    â€œI think so. Don’t they make breakfast cereal?”
    â€œYes, the top selling brand is Coco-Bites. Boudica owns the company. She is the ‘B’ in ‘B Food Company.’”
    Jason looked confused. If she was head of the Triads, why would she also own a children’s breakfast company?
    Kotang drove up to the large building. The once-red brickwork had turned black over the years with grime from London’s smog and pollution. The tiny windows had bars across them. Inside was just as dark and gloomy. As they entered, Jason could taste sugar in the atmosphere and a strong, pleasant smell. It reminded him of his kitchen at home after Mrs. Beeton had been making his favorite food: carrot cake.
    Large stainless steel containers of flour and sugar with connecting pipes filled the interior. Workers with white coats, gloves, and blue hard hats walked briskly and checked various dials

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