Revenge of Cornelius
turned to Bobby. "Bobby, I'm
sorry, but I can't go."
    "Mira!" Sara exclaimed.
    Mira was still looking at Bobby. "If
you want, we can do this another time. I'm really
    "Uh…sure. Sure, we can. It's no
problem." He got up. "Call me later?"
    Sara sighed. "Bobby…"
    "It's all right, Mrs. Cullen. Ya'll
have a good day, now."
    "You too, Son," Sara replied
    After Bobby left, Mira stood up and
faced her mother.
    "You're keeping something from me.
What's wrong with Dad?"
    Mira's question was greeted by an
eerie silence, then Sara turned away and sat down on the sofa. She
patted the cushion next to her and Mira sat there.
    "Sweet pea, there's something I need
to tell you."
    Mira felt her heart sinking at that
moment. Her gut told her that what she was about to hear would not
be good.
    Sara took her daughter's hand into
hers and sighed heavily. "Honey, your father is very sick. He's
been for some time now."
    She had Mira's full
    "I wanted to tell you and your brother
so badly, but your father absolutely forbade me."
    "Tell us what, Mom?"
    Sara's expression revealed that she
was searching for the 'right' words. With a look that ushered a
wave of sadness in the space between them, she said: "Your father
has stage four lung cancer, dear."
    Mira stared back in utter
    "His chance for survival isn't good at
all," Sara added.
    "What?" Mira shook her head slowly as
if trying to line up the jumbled thoughts in her mind in some
particular order. "Are you saying he's going to die?"
    Sara saw the tears quickly forming in
her daughter's eyes, the sight of which pierced her heart.
"Anything is possible, dear. By some miracle, your father could
    "We're not talking miracles, Mom. At
this point of the illness, could Dad die? Tell me straight up
'cause I need to know!"
    Sara shut her eyes, then looked at
Mira again.
    "Yes, honey. The tumor is malignant.
The disease is terminal. I'm so sorry, honey. I'm so sorry." No
longer able to hold back her own tears, she pulled Mira close and
they embraced tightly. "I wanted so badly to tell you and Wade what
was going on, but I couldn't dishonor your father's wishes. He
didn't want anyone pitying him and was determined to only reveal
what was happening once his condition started to deteriorate. I'm
afraid he's at that point now."
    Mira pulled away. "How long have you
two been hiding this from us?" she asked.
    "It's only been a few months since we
found out." Sara started to dry her tears.
    "But Dad's been complaining about back
pain. Does that have anything to do with the cancer?"
    "Yes. It's because of the size of the
tumor and where it's situated. The disease has also progressed to
his bones now." Sara explained.
    "But how could he have lung cancer?
Dad never smoked."
    "You're right. He never did, but he
does have a genetic predisposition to it."
    "This can't be happening." Mira stood
up, combing her fingers through her hair. "This just can't be
happening! And regardless of what Dad wanted, how could you keep
such a secret from his own children for so long?"
    Sara could see that Mira's sadness was
now intermingled with anger. She stood up as well.
    "Mira, I know you find this
difficult to understand and I'm sure your brother will too, but
Michael—your dad—is my husband. We've been married for thirty years
and I love him. I've loved him before you and Wade ever came along
and I have to respect his wishes above all—no matter how
unreasonable they seem to be. He doesn't have much time left with
us and he didn't want to cause you and Wade, and the grandchildren
so much sorrow before he passed. That's why he chose to wait until
the time was getting closer. You may think it was quite selfish of
your father, but in my eyes, it's probably the most selfless thing he has
ever done. He did it for you all—not for himself. It's okay if
you're mad at me, but don't be upset with your father."
    Mira tried her best to restrain the
tears, but they kept defying her. She

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