
Rhys by Adrienne Bell Read Free Book Online

Book: Rhys by Adrienne Bell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrienne Bell
minute she spent in this house was another minute that Boyd could discover her secret. It was as simple as that.
    So why did keeping her mouth shut make her feel like she was betraying the man who had saved her?

    Chapter Four
    She was keeping something from him. Something big.
    Even now, Rhys could feel her pulling away. Not physically, but emotionally.
    He’d been surprised by how quickly he’d been able to form a connection with her. All it had taken was a little patience and tenderness, and she had stopped fighting. She’d relaxed in his arms. The suspicion was all but gone from her eyes.
    But then all at once, the tension had returned. She wouldn’t even look him in the eye.
    Was she afraid to put her life in the hands of a stranger, or was she ashamed of the reason that Boyd had taken her prisoner? Did she fear he would judge her for what she’d done, or did she fear legal consequences?
    Rhys wouldn’t know which core emotion was behind her reticence until he could ask her more questions.
    But now wasn’t the time.
    Rhys could feel the anxious energy buzzing through her muscles. One wrong word and the fragile trust between them would shatter. She would shut down…maybe for good.
    There would be plenty of time for questions later. Once Tessa had time to realize that he wasn’t playing her.
    Rhys turned his head as a soft knock sounded against the bedroom door.
    “ Captain’s here.” Jake’s voice carried through from the other side.
    Tessa’s eyes went wide as her face snapped to his. “The Captain ?”
    So much for calming her down.
    “It’s okay,” he said. “It’s just my boss.”
    Tessa scrambled to get out of his lap. Rhys helped her up to her feet. She wobbled for a moment, but quickly regained her footing.
    “Your boss ?” Her brows pulled together as she stumbled back a few steps.
    “Carter Macmillan,” Rhys said, giving her all the space she wanted. “I work for Macmillan Security.”
    Tessa’s eyes shifted back and forth for a moment, as though she was trying to place the name. Her head whipped up a moment later.
    “You were the guys that brought down Congressman Fuller.” There was more than a hint of admiration in her voice.
    “No,” Rhys admitted. “A journalist named Ally Weaver did that. We just helped her out.”
    Tessa narrowed her eyes. “So, what were you doing at Boyd’s house last night?”
    There was another soft knock on the door behind Rhys, but he ignored it.
    “He was offering me a job,” he said. “I turned him down.”
    Tessa’s lips pressed together as she mulled over his words. Her shoulders had just begun to relax a little when the knock came again, louder this time.
    “Not now,” Rhys called out.
    “Why is your boss here?” she asked.
    “Because I want to help you, Tessa,” Rhys said. “But I can’t go after Boyd alone. I need my team.”
    Tessa opened her mouth, but the bedroom door behind him creaked open before she could say anything.
    “I said not now .” Rhys turned his gaze down to the floor as his back teeth ground together.
    Tessa was asking questions. He was answering. They were so close to rebuilding the rapport they’d had a few minutes before.
    “Sorry,” a familiar female voice came from the hallway. “But Carter is being a serious pain in the ass about seeing you, Rhys.”
    Tessa’s brows shot up at the sight of the woman behind him.
    “Tessa,” he said, through tight lips. “This is Charlie Keswick. She’s a…”
    “…friend,” Charlie finished for him.
    “…co-worker,” Rhys said at the same time.
    Rhys turned around just in time to see Charlie give Tessa a wide, honest smile.
    “Both,” Charlie said, stepping into the room. “Hi Dr. Rosenthal.”
    Tessa eyed her skeptically, but she didn’t move away.
    Charlie didn’t appear offended by the cold reception. Her smile remained as she lifted the plain green duffel bag at her side. “I brought you some clothes, along with some other

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