Rio Loco

Rio Loco by Robert J. Conley Read Free Book Online

Book: Rio Loco by Robert J. Conley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert J. Conley
hell? She was happy, so I reckon I done all right. “Where’s my drink?” I said. She lumbered her ass outta the bed and waddled over to the table where I had set it whenever I come in. She brung it back to me.
    â€œHere it is, sweetness and light,” she said.
    I tuck it and drained the glass, and she went right back to the table and opened the drawer and hauled out my bottle what I kept up there. Then she come back over to the bed and poured my glass full again.
    â€œThank you, sugar twat,” I said.
    She wallered back into the bed and on top a’ me, and she mashed me so much that I couldn’t hardly swaller. I did manage, though, to get down a couple a’ good gulps. Well, we romped around a little bit more and I finished off my glass a’ whiskey. She leaned down over me and kissed me full on the face with her big slobbery lips, and then she said, “Barjack, you wanna take a nice bubbly bath with me?”
    â€œSounds loverly,” I said, so she ordered up one and pretty damn soon we had us a big tub a’ hot water right there in the middle a’ the room. We pulled a couple a’ straight chairs over beside the tub so we’d have us some tables, and I lit me a cigar and put the ashtray on one a’ the chairs. Then I poured my glass back full and set it by the ashtray. Bonnie got a bottle a’ something and poured a bunch of it into the water, and then she clumb over the edge and settled down. The level a’ the water rose up considerable then, and then she went to swishing her arms around, and the bubbles commenced to developing.
    I climbed in and settled down betwixt her legs, and the water riz up some more. I was damn near afraid that we’d slosh it over onto the floor, but we never. I puffed on my cigar and had me a drink and let my ass slide down as deep as I could get. “I got to admit, sweetness,” I said, “that this here was a damn good idee you had.”
    â€œUmm,” she moaned. “It does feel good, don’t it?”
    â€œYes, indeedy,” I said.
    She went to soaping up on me, and she soaped me all over, and I mean, all over. I reckon I hadn’t never been so clean in my whole entire damn life as what she made me just then. Then I done her the same favor, and Lordy but it was fun. Whenever we was both washed good, I just laid back in the hot water with my both hands on her great fat thighs and stroked them real slowlike. And then, by God, I went to sleep right there in the goddamn bathtub full a’ hot and bubbly water.
    I never woked up till Bonnie were lifting me bodily outta the water. “Hey,” I said, “what’re you a-doing?”
    â€œJust relax, Barjack,” she said, and she dropped me over onto the bed, where she had done laid out several towels. Then she went to rubbing me dry. She had already done got herself outta the tub and dried her ass off and put on her frilly, flimsy little robe. I could see right through it too. I pinched her titties while she was a-rubbing on me.
    Well, now, she dressed me back up in nice clean clothes, and I strapped on my Merwin Hulbert, and she wriggled her ass back into a dress, and then we walked back down the stairs and went over to my private table. Aubrey brung us our drinks, my whiskey and Bonnie’s pretty little pink thing, whatever it was. I thought about a remark I could make, but I decided not to make it. We was both a-feeling so good that I sure as hell didn’t want to do nothing to spoil the atmosphere.
    â€œThank you, Aubrey,” she said.
    â€œYes, ma’am,” he said. He went back behint the bar.
    â€œBarjack?” Bonnie said.
    â€œLookit the clock.”
    I glanced over at it a-hanging on the wall behint the bar, but I never thunk nothing about it. “Yeah,” I said.
    â€œIt’s near morning,” she said.
    â€œWe been making love all night long.”

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