Rocket! An Ell Donsaii story #4)

Rocket! An Ell Donsaii story #4) by Laurence Dahners Read Free Book Online

Book: Rocket! An Ell Donsaii story #4) by Laurence Dahners Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laurence Dahners
were pondering asking for an autograph, Roger’s grandmother, having no idea who Ell was, was disappointed that she’d apparently dropped out after high school.
    “So you’re working then?”
    “Yes Ma’am.
    “What kind of work do you do?”
    “I do research at D5R.”
    “Really?” Grandmother Emmerit thought to herself that it was pretty uppity for a nineteen year old high school graduate to be claiming to be “doing research” herself. But the girl is certainly beautiful, no need to wonder what Roger sees in her. Surprising really, that a quiet boy like Roger would be with such a stunningly gorgeous young lady. “What kind of research does D5R do?”
    Wide eyed, Roger said, “Gramma…” but paused when Ell held up a hand in his direction.
    “They’re trying to find useful applications for the fifth dimension that’s recently been discovered.”
    “Fifth dimension?!” she said dubiously.
    “Yes Ma’am, another company called PGR Comm is already making chips that use that fifth dimension to make communication devices.”
    “Humpf. What do you do there?”
    Eyes twinkling Ell said, “A little of this, a little of that. I really like working on the research but the company’s very new so I spend a lot more time setting stuff up than I do on actual research right now.”
    “Gramma!” Ell heard the boy on the other side of Grandmother Emmerit whisper urgently to her. Mrs. Emmerit turned to him and Ell faintly heard him whisper, “That’s Ell Donsaii! The girl that won all the gymnastic gold medals in Olympics!”
    Mrs. Emmerit turned back to eye Ell speculatively. “So you’re a gymnast, eh?”
    “I was Ma’am. I don’t do gymnastics anymore.” Her eyes crinkled, I’m much too old for that now.”
    The conversation moved on to other topics but it was apparent that Roger’s grandmother remained highly dubious of the suitability of a nineteen year old high school graduate for her grandson, the newly minted physics PhD.
    When the main meal had been cleared and people had been served dessert Roger’s father dinged a spoon on a glass and the huge table fell quiet. He said, “OK time for announcements.” He turned to his immediate left. “April, I think you have an announcement?”
    Roger’s young, blond, blue eyed cousin proudly said “I just got accepted to NC State.”
    Everyone at the table clapped and then held their glasses up for a toast. “What are you going to major in?” one of the aunts asked.
    One of the younger girls stage whispered, “Boys.”
    Red faced April paused to glare at the whisperer, then said, “I don’t know. I’m starting in ‘general studies’ until I decide.”
    The same whisperer, “I told you, boys .”
    They went around the table, some of the older people passing with a professed, “Nothing to report.” However all the young people said something. Some had graduated. Some had new jobs, one had purchased a new boat for his fishing business. Two were engaged to marry.
    When it came Roger’s turn he blushed and said, “I’ve completed my degree and got a job.”
    Someone sang out, “And what degree did you get?”
    Still blushing, “A PhD in Physics.”
    “Woohoo! A toast to Dr . Emmerit.” After everyone had raised their glass, “Where’s your new job?”
    “I just started work at D5Research in Research Triangle Park.”
    At this Grandmother Emmerit turned to look suspiciously at Ell. Ell could tell she wanted to ask more questions but the announcements went on around the table. When it came her turn Grandmother Emmerit passed and they all looked at Ell. She widened her eyes and said, “Pass.”
    “Oh, no, all the young people have to announce something!”
    Ell looked up at the ceiling a moment, then raised her glass and said, “I really like Roger Emmerit?”
    Cheers and applause followed this announcement and the spotlight fell on the next person.
    Once the announcements were done Grandmother Emmerit turned to Ell and narrowed her

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