breasts heaving in their bindings.
Somehow it felt perfect, her on her hands and knees, head bobbing over his member. He gripped her hair, and she hummed in delight, making him cry out in ecstasy.
"I'm going to spill my seed now," he said, and pulled her head up. "Ride me, wife."
She moved over him eagerly, following his guidance and parting her drawers to sit down on his cock.
"You're so lovely," he said, watching her body bounce over him. He ran his hands down her corset, from breasts to slender waist and flared hip.
He came inside her. She smiled at him, and went to get a cloth to clean him. Her duty done, she felt a ready ache inside her.
"That was wonderful." He kissed her. Lips on hers, he leveraged himself up and gripped her waist, pulling her onto the bed. "Now it's my turn."
Next thing she knew, he'd rolled her onto her front and left the bed to stand beside it, his brown hair mussed and trousers still undone.
"Lay still," he ordered, and started to unlace her. She breathed hard, his right hand worked the laces, his left roamed over her bottom, the backs of her thighs, and back up, drifting between her legs. She squirmed a little.
"Patience." He laughed, as he undid the stays and took the corset off.
"You are never to lace this corset too tight," he said. "Doing so would cause damage to your organs."
Turning her cheek to the bed, she gave him a sly glance under her arms.
"I'm serious, Esther."
"If I disobey, will you spank me?" she said, wondering why she felt a rush of excitement.
She smiled.
"Little vixen, you like to be punished," he growled, and slapped his hand down on one cheek then the other, it didn't hurt, and he followed up with a deep massage that had her growling low in her throat.
He kept up the rhythm, striking her hard enough for the crack to resound around the room, but too light to leave much more than a small sting.
"If you could see yourself now. The blood rushes to your cheeks, and they pink quite nicely, wife. Your buttocks will be red and warm and make your sweet cunny plump and wet for me." His fingers dipped into her, stroking her.
"Johnathan," she cried, and kicked out.
"No, my dear, you must be still for your inspection."
She gasped as his fingers tickled her, and tried to curl up to escape the torture.
"Now, now," Johnathan rolled her onto her back and gripped her wrists, drawing her arms well over her head with his right arm, while his left continued to explore.
"Johnathan, please."
"I'm the doctor," he said with a sternness that made her shiver. "You are my patient and my wife, it is my right to examine you. Now," he replaced his fingers and she shut her eyes, concentrating on the sensation, "this is the labia majora." His fingers touched her outer lips. "Then the labia minora, then the vuvla." He traced them with the barest touch and she whimpered at the torture. "The best spot for a woman's pleasure is by far the little fleshy button here, the clitoris."
He passed a finger over it, the lightest stroke causing her hips to jerk and her head rolled back.
"Yes there it is," he chuckled. "Now, the way to give pleasure is to arouse the female with touches all over her body, eventually coming to stimulate the clitoris.
He stroked lightly over the parts he so lovingly named, but his finger always circled back to the sweet spot. Eventually he let go of her wrists and squeezed her breasts. It seemed to go on for hours.
It was right there and Esther panted as she strained for pleasure just out of reach.
He took his finger away. She almost howled with disappointment.
"Please, please, sir," she begged while she could still get her thoughts in order. "Please. I'll do anything."
"Yes, please."
With a wicked smile, he drew out his cock again. "Give your doctor some relief."
She wriggled around, and he directed her on her back, head hanging upside down off the bed.
He came closer and she opened her mouth wide, breathing through her nose as he