Romance: One Fine Holiday

Romance: One Fine Holiday by Amy McAdams Read Free Book Online

Book: Romance: One Fine Holiday by Amy McAdams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy McAdams
away from this beautiful man.

    Chapter 12

    The last day of my holiday is laced with sadness. 
    Sadness that the trip with my beautiful girls is coming to a close, sadness that I am about to leave this island and sadness that I am leaving Clarke behind.
    “Why not?” Mel asks as we eat breakfast at the resort café.
    My breakfast is a large bowl full of many different colored tropical fruits, some of which I struggle to identify.
    “I’m not like you girls – I don’t know if I can leave the city behind.  The hectic pace has always been a part of my life.  It’s a part of me.”
    “People can change, you know,” Kate smiles, sipping on her health smoothie, “Look at us.  We left the city and now we are living lives that we love.  You have to take a chance with life.  If you don’t ever take a risk, you’ll never get the reward.”
    “And the reward looks mighty fine,” Mel smiles.
    He did look mighty fine.
    His toned abs, his strong shoulders and his muscular arms were amazing.  I doubt I will ever see another body like that again in my life.
    “Why not?” Mel asks again.
    “Because I’m not ready,” I sigh, looking out to the ocean which is bathed in the morning sunshine.
    “No-one is ever ready for anything,” Kate says, “You’ll never be ready to take the chance of a lifetime.  You will never get another chance like this, Ella.  This is your moment to seize.”
    I shrug my shoulders.
    “What’s really keeping you in the city?” Kate asks.
    I find it hard to answer the question.
    I try to rack my brain to think of the real reason why I am afraid to leave the city.  I can’t think of one reason why I should go back.  I don’t have any real friends there, I don’t have a boyfriend there, and my employer would forget about me in a week after I left.
    Why don’t I stay on the island?
    I could…
    I couldn’t.
    I wouldn’t be challenged enough here.  I need a challenge.  I need to show the city that I can handle what it throws at me. 
    But do I really need the city?
    That’s the real reason I won’t stay here on the island.
    It feels good to admit it out-loud.  Deep seeded insecurity is the real reason I won’t stay. 
    The girls aren’t surprised and they nod knowingly.
    “A man like Clarke can do a lot better than me,” I look into the fruit in front of me.
    “Better than you?  Don’t let me ever hear you say that again,” Kate is firm, “You are a beautiful, intelligent and sexy woman.  A man like Clarke would be lucky to have you.”
    There is such conviction in Kate’s words. 
    I wish I had her belief in me. 
    “Why not?” Mel asks again.
    I ponder the question for a while.
    I think about all the missed opportunities I’ve had in my life – all the chances I’ve missed because I’ve been too afraid to seize the moment.
    “Yeah,” a smile creeps across my face, “Why not?”
    Both the girls smile.
    “What are you waiting for then?” Kate’s voice is full of joy.

    Chapter 13

    In a rush of emotion, I race to the locals bar. 
    My heart is pumping and the smile is etched on my face.  My whole body is filled with emotion.
    It is a boundless joy – a pure buzz of happiness.
    This is what it feels like when you choose to do something for yourself. 
    It feels amazing. 
    As I run to the bar in search of Clarke, I wonder how it will work.
    Will I go back to New York to collect my belongings and bring them here?
    What will I do during the daytime on the island?  Read, laugh and wander the beach?
    Oh, who cares?!
    I will be with Clarke. 
    He is the man that has made me feel more special than anyone has ever made me feel. I feel wonderful when I am around Clarke.
    In a huff of adrenalin, I arrive at the locals bar.
    “Where is Clarke today?” I ask the bartender with a puffed voice.
    “He’s not here today.  He must be busy.”
    “Do you

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