a couch in her receiving chamber and oversaw every aspect of her day, leaving the interrogations up to Gren and a team of Inquisitors.
Shouldn’t they have found something by now? Kyr thought as they walked to Shaya’s chambers for the second day in a row.
It’s unusual that they haven’t picked up any thoughts or behavior that would identify the person or persons behind this , Ty acknowledged. I don’t think there has ever been a poisoning where the perpetrator wasn’t identified quickly .
She looked troubled. The line between her brows had been nearly constant since the poisoning. He wished he could do something to ease her mind, but he was just as worried as she was. Until they figured out what was going on, she was at risk. He had no idea how the person who tampered with the yarrow nectar did it without leaving any sort of clue or having any perceivable thoughts about it. It was just unheard of.
There was also the timing to consider. Was it a coincidence that the poison had been planted right after Kyr met with the V’larian ambassadors? He didn’t believe in coincidences. So what was the significance of it? Did it have any tie-in with the fact that the V’larians happened to save Kyr’s life when she was on Earth?
Until they identified the poisoner, there wasn’t much use in dwelling on what-ifs. Nevertheless, what had happened to Shaya was at the forefront of everyone’s minds.
They reached the Guardian’s bedchambers a few minutes later. Ty nodded at the two Mynders guarding her doors, silently asking them to announce Kyr’s presence. One of the guards, DibonDane, returned the nod and stepped inside to inform Shaya they were there. Ty gave Kyr’s arm a squeeze when he saw her wringing her hands. Her anxiety was clear in her thoughts and expression, but she had warned him not to influence her. She wanted to process everything that had happened on her own.
“I’m sorry, Dem-Shyr ,” Dibon said when he returned to his post and closed the door behind him. “Guardian Shaya has decided that she isn’t prepared for visitors right now.”
“But I checked with you before we came down here. You said she was meeting with Advisor Vycor.”
“Yes, Dem-Shyr . However, her time with the Advisor exhausted her. She asked that you come again another time when she’s more rested and presentable.”
Ty’s back teeth clamped together as Kyr’s disappointment struck him. Shaya had refused to see Kyr ever since she was brought back to her chambers from the sanctuary. Hemmel had informed them that the Guardian was able to receive visitors, so her refusal to see her daughter made no sense.
I’m not her daughter in her eyes , Kyr thought. I’m Ma’jah Kyr, the female she’s jealous of. She can’t look anything less than her best around me .
Her melancholy seemed to be growing deeper by the second. He had to do something.
Isn’t it odd that the poison was delivered to the Guardian under the Dem-Shyr’s watch?
The stray thought had Ty looking between Dibon and his companion. Did they think he had poisoned the yarrow nectar? His gaze moved to the three other Mynders who had escorted Kyr along with him. How many others felt that way?
Kyr surged forward. “How dare you suspect Dem-Shyr TaeDane of wrong-doing? He would never harm me or the Guardians. He’s the most vigilant, protective Mynder on Alametria!”
It took Ty a moment to intervene, he was so surprised by her outburst. She even shoved Dibon, who must have been the one to share the thought. Her push sent the large male stumbling back a foot, reminding Ty that her physical strength was Ascending along with her mental abilities. With a combination of gratitude and reluctance, he stepped between her and the stunned guard.
Calm yourself, Kyr. You don’t want everyone finding out how we feel about each other before we’re ready .
Opening his mind so that the other Mynders could read the truth in his response, he said, “I didn’t poison