Running To You

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Book: Running To You by DeLaine Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: DeLaine Roberts
Or has he been divorced and does he have children? I want to know about his family life, his ARMY life, boxers, or briefs. Seriously, my mind just went there and I am thinking boxers! This guy is under my skin, like I have never known. When he touches me, I tingle in delicate places, which is a first for me. I have never experienced a burning, yearning desire deep within my inner goddess before. My brain always kicks in and I’m always running away.
    Pulling in to the Physician parking lot, we received a few looks from other physicians when Grayson got out and opened my door before I could do it on my own.
    “Grayson, people are looking. We need to remain professional. I don’t need hospital gossip or a conflict affecting my work!”
    “Alexandra, I get it but it’s just a door and I still believe in chivalry!” His look was as stern as his tone.
    The surgery team was none the wiser for the first case, as things ticked along like clockwork. However as the day progressed, the team began to give funny looks to each other. I am sure it was because Grayson had become very friendly and was in the best mood. He talked to me throughout the procedures and even sang along to the music playing on his iPod throughout the room. I am sure that they could feel the chemistry between us. In fact, at one point, the anesthesiologist looked over at me and winked. He was on to it, on to us. I’m sure of it.
    We finished the last case around two and he still had rounds to make. So I waited for him in his office, the ill-fated break room again. This time, Zoe and Millie joined me from time-to-time to chat in-between calls and charts.
    Zoe took the time to stop in and try to give me sisterly advice. “Alex, Grayson has been in the best mood ever since he met you. I can tell already that he is very interested in you. Did he tell you why he moved to Dallas?”
    “He said you were here.”
    “Alex, there are things you need to know. Grayson was finishing up his commitment to the Army when he met a drug rep, Olivia, at a conference in Chicago. She was in the process of relocating back here with a new job . They became serious, he moved here when the Army released him to start his practice. They quickly became engaged. The week before their wedding, he discovered that she was sleeping around: guys from the gym, other physicians, and guys from her company. It wasn’t pretty. Grayson was devastated, trust is a big deal to him, and the whole thing rocked him to his core. Emotionally, he just ran away.”
    “How long ago was this, Zoe?”
    “Last December. You are the first person he has given the time of day to since this happened. He even refuses to see reps because of it. Believe me, there are a ton of female reps that parade in and out of here vying for his attention, to no avail. Just so you know the life that you have put back in to him in just a few days is nothing short of wonderful. I hope you understand his pain and will take it easy on him.”
    “He’s a stubborn one. I had a hard time getting in to see him. I have come here so many times, always sent packing by the front desk police!” We both laughed.
    “Alex, he is obviously smitten with you. That must be some serious witchcraft you are practicing! You have put him under a spell! Just take it easy on him, be patient. Sometimes he has a hard time communicating how he feels and he just shuts down instead of talking it out. Grayson is great communicating with his patients, but the rest of the world, not so much. He just bolts! When he gets mad at me, he goes forever without saying anything, not like holding a grudge mind you, but rather, just avoids conversation completely.”
    “Zoe, I am not a witch, so no worries about putting spells on him and secondly, he is not the only one packing baggage. I have my own issues that warrant a slow start. You love him and I appreciate you wanting him to be happy. I just hope that you will be willing to give him, us, whatever this is, some

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