Sarah's Playmates
sister-in-law. “You’re so…” Words failed me.
    She grinned, removing the man’s shirt,
exposing a chest filled with pale, lovely breasts. “This will be
our dirty little secret.”
    “Now you sound like Millie.”
    “I wondered about you.”
    I sat up, tossing thick strands of blonde
hair over my shoulder. “How?”
    “I have a sense about people. I wondered if
you’d be fun.”
    Overwhelmed by emotion and feeling utterly at
peace, I flung my arms around her, burrowing my face in her neck.
“From this day forward, you’re my sister. I won’t think of you as
any less.”
    “I was prepared to hate you. I’ve met some of
my brother’s other suitors, and they were awful. I thought you’d be
just the same. I’m so glad I was wrong.”
    My hands cupped her breasts. “It’s my turn. I
want to make you scream my name when you…find your pleasure.”
    Her grin was enormous. “Then I better get
these pants off.”
    “They look ridiculous on you, by the
    “I’ve never had such fun.” She kicked the
trousers free, knocking the revolver to the floor, where it
discharged. The sound of the weapon firing at such proximity had my
ears popping painfully. Acrid smoke filled the room.
    “Dear Lord in heaven!” shouted Millie. “That
wasn’t empty at all! We could’ve been killed!”
    I met Isabelle’s horrified gaze. “Oh, my
God,” she uttered. “I…oh, God. I thought I took the bullets
    “Maybe there was one left?”
    “I…oh, dear. Edmund always said women and
guns don’t mix.”
    I slid from the bed. “There’s a hole in the
wall now.”
    “I’ll shove some paper in it, and it’ll be
good as new,” laughed Isabelle.
    She had pointed the gun at Millie and I
repeatedly. We could have been shot! A naughty idea formed. “You
deserve a spanking for that, Isabelle. That was very stupid. Stupid
girls should be punished.”
    Millie nodded enthusiastically. “At least.
I’d belt her myself, if I could.”
    “That’s a capital idea!” I snatched the
trousers off the floor, pulling the leather belt free. “You have to
be punished. You almost killed me.”
    Isabelle sobered. “You’re right.” She glanced
at the belt. “What exactly are you going to do with that?”
    “Bend over the bed.” I snapped the leather
strap against my hand, producing a whacking sound. “Ouch!” It
stung. I would have to employ a level of control when hitting
Isabelle. I didn’t want to injure her. Or did I?
    “Do as she says, girl,” said Millie. “Bend
over the bed. Show us that pretty bottom.”
    “Well, this I hadn’t foreseen. But…I suppose
I could play along.”
    “You will,” I asserted. “Get over the bed.
    “I do deserve it, for almost shooting
    “Fine!” She leaned over the bed, her rounded
bottom in the air.
    “How hard should I hit her, Millie?”
    “Start light. Work your way up from
    “Oh,” she breathed. “You two
    “You’re a careless sister-in-law. You almost
killed me. Now prepare to be punished.”
    Millie took her nightgown off, dropping the
garment on the floor. She picked up the wide-brim hat and placed it
on her head. There was something sexy about a naked woman with only
a hat on. “What are you waiting for? That ass is ripe for
    “But first,” I pulled Isabelle’s boots off,
“I’m wearing these.”
    “You’re both ridiculous,” she laughed.
    “Shush!” I smacked her with the end of the
belt, the sound echoing.
    “Oh! Oh, you—”
    “Oh! That hurts!”
    “Hit her harder.”
    My grin was saucy, and I knew it. “I should
hit her harder, shouldn’t I?”
    “The woman almost killed you. She deserves a
beating, if you ask me.”
    “Oh, Millie. What do I do? I’ve never done
this before.” I couldn’t get over the hat. It looked bizarre on
her, especially with her large breasts jutting.
    “Give me the belt.” She held out her hand.
“I’ll show you what

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