Sarah's Surrender

Sarah's Surrender by Vickie; McDonough Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Sarah's Surrender by Vickie; McDonough Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vickie; McDonough
Gathering her composure, she stepped into the hall and locked her door.
    â€œYou know that I’ve wanted land for a long while. How could I pass up a chance at a free claim?”
    She studied him to see if he had another agenda, but his clear blue eyes held only honesty. Maybe he hadn’t followed her, but she still wished he hadn’t come. She wanted a fresh start. Wanted to prove to herself and those who knew her that she was able to live on her own. Would Baron and Jo or Gabe and Lara show up next?
    â€œJack’s waitin’. I reckon we should go downstairs.” He offered his arm to her.
    She wanted to ignore it, but there was no point in hurting his feelings. She looped her arm through his, hating the bolt of awareness that streaked through her. Why did she always feel that spark whenever they were close? When she’d held on to Jack’s arm, she hadn’t experienced it. Luke was a decade older than her but far closer to her age than Jack, so maybe that was the reason. Both men were handsome with striking blue eyes, although Jack’s hair was brown where Luke’s was blond.
    As they descended the stairs to the lobby, a trio of young women looked their way. They were dressed in frilly, colorful day gowns. Were they looking at her? Sarah glanced at her dark blue skirt. Was it too far out of style? Her heart jolted. Or were they eyeballing her because she was a half-breed?
    To her shame, she realized as she and Luke walked toward the dining room entrance that the women were gawking at
not her. One smiled and ducked her head, cheeks turning ruby red, while the other two smiled and stared unabashedly. As they neared, a pretty blond fluttered her lashes at Luke. He tipped his hat at the trio then glanced at Sarah and smiled as if unaffected by their admiration. This wasn’t the first time she’d been with Luke when women had ogled him. He was a tall, tanned, well-built cowboy, and a woman couldn’t help staring at him. She certainly had a time or two.
    She breathed in the fragrant aromas as they stepped into the dining room. The area held more than a dozen tables, all of which had people sitting at them. She searched for Jack and found him in the back corner of the room when he stood and waved. Luke guided her toward him, weaving between the tables.
    As she neared the table for six, she noticed an older man and a woman who looked about her age sitting at the table with Jack. Both men rose as she and Luke stopped by the table.
    Jack nodded at them. “The dining hall was full when I arrived, and Mr. Hawkins and his daughter graciously offered to share their table with us.”
    Sarah smiled at the pair, not missing the fact that the woman’s gaze quickly passed over her to linger on Luke. “Thank you. It is kind of you to allow us to join you.”
    Jack held out a hand toward them. “This is Sarah Worley, my sister, and a friend of ours, Luke McNeil.”
    â€œHarold Hawkins, and this is my daughter, Nannette.” The man’s brown eyes gleamed with pride as he glanced at his daughter.
    A shaft of jealously streaked through Sarah. Her father had been a scoundrel when he first took her from her dying mother, much to Sarah’s objections. She had to give him credit for changing his life, but even so, they’d never been close. He’d sent her money and visited a few times over the years she lived with Gabe and Lara, but he’d always seemed uncomfortable there. As if it were the last place he wanted to be. The harsh way he had treated Jo was more than likely the reason. If not for her watching Gabe with his children and Jack with Cody, she wouldn’t know what a loving father was like. She wasn’t sure she’d ever marry, but if she did, she wanted a man who’d love their children and treat them as if they were special.
    Luke shook Mr. Hawkins’s hand then tipped his hat to the woman. “A pleasure to meet you both.”

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