Saving Little Amy (An Age Play Romance)

Saving Little Amy (An Age Play Romance) by Becca Little Read Free Book Online

Book: Saving Little Amy (An Age Play Romance) by Becca Little Read Free Book Online
Authors: Becca Little
whole day setting myself up for the fall, and there was no turning back.  I listened to each footstep, knowing they signaled my doom, and the next step in my life.  Either I would find myself across his knee or I would find out that he wasn’t serious about what he had said.  I listened intently as he opened the fridge, and then I waited for the realization to strike home.
    “What the fuck…”  His growl echoed through the lower level of his house, and then his footsteps came stomping towards the living room.  “Amy!  Did you pour out my beer!?”
    “You shouldn’t drink.”  I said nonchalantly.  “It is bad for your liver.”
    I could sense the gears clicking, each turn igniting more anger in his subconscious.  He stared at me for a couple of seconds before his blood started to boil and his face turned red.  I had taken the beers from the fridge and popped the tops one by one, setting them in the sink upside down.  If I had learned anything about Solomon, it was that his vices seemed to take center stage in his life.  He glared at me, and I gave him the most innocent look I could muster.  It wasn’t as successful as I hoped, but it got the point across.  I waited for the hammer to fall, the moment of my comeuppance, yet it didn’t immediately register.  He simply put his hands on his hips and stared at me, seemingly disappointed at me.  He shook his head a few times and walked into the living room.  He sat down and stared at me for a few seconds before speaking.
    “Amy, what the hell is going on?”  He asked in a confused tone.
    “I…”  My words got tangled in my throat.
    “What?”  He asked quickly.  “What is it?”
    “I have no fucking idea!”  I said angrily.  I stood up and stomped upstairs to my room with tears flowing down my face.
    Nothing happened the way I imagined it.  I slammed my door and stripped off the stupid pajama pants I had worn, sliding into bed.  I felt rejected, humiliated, and stupid.  I clutched my pillow close and cried into it.  I was nothing more than a stupid child who had no idea how to get the man I had fallen in love with.  It was hard to admit that.  I felt like I had tried everything and come up short.  Clearly, I had misread the signs and had no idea what I was trying to do.  I sobbed as quietly as I could until I heard him coming up the stairs.  When my door opened, I rolled over and stared at him.  He had a look on his face that was a mixture of confusion and disappointment.  I knew he would want an explanation, but I didn’t have one to give.  I was heartbroken and unable to process what I had done.  I certainly couldn’t play it off.
    “Amy, what is wrong with you?”  He stepped into my room and towered over me as I looked up at him.
    “I don’t know…”  I didn’t have anything else to say.
    “You’ve been acting weird all day.”  He folded his arms and narrowed his eyes at me.  “Tell me what is going on.”
    “I’m an idiot, that’s all.”  I wiped away tears.
    “What do you mean?  I’m having trouble processing what is going on here.”  He took a step closer and looked down at me.
    “I saw your profile, okay!”  I clenched my face to stop the tears.  “Strict Benton Daddy…”
    “What?”  He took a step back.
    I confessed everything.  I told him about finding the porn on his computer, and then finding his profile on the dating website.  I told him about my conflicted feeling with tears streaming down my face.  All of my plans—all of my hesitation—it became an afterthought.  He remained stoic as he listened to my words, and I had no idea what the result would be.  I wasn’t even sure what I wanted him to say.  I had tried so hard to make it organic and natural—maybe too hard.  I realized I was bared, completely exposed in his eyes as the last bit of it left my lips, destined for his ears.  There was no turning back.  All I could do was wait for him to process it and decide my

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