Searching for Tomorrow (Tomorrows)

Searching for Tomorrow (Tomorrows) by Katie Mac, Kathryn McNeill Crane Read Free Book Online

Book: Searching for Tomorrow (Tomorrows) by Katie Mac, Kathryn McNeill Crane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Mac, Kathryn McNeill Crane
he reached the back of my head, he pressed me forward so that our mouths met. The instant my lips touched his, I melted against him and kissed him with every fiber of my soul. That kiss seemed never-ending, at least until Liam slammed the truck door. Under his breath, he mumbled to himself, “Guess I can’t leave them alone for two seconds.”
    Tripp and I broke apart, laughing at Liam. I slid back onto the seat and buckled my seatbelt. Before backing the truck out of the space, Tripp grabbed my chin and dropped a quick kiss on my forehead. Taking a deep breath, he said, “No, Liam, I guess you can’t. She is just too irresistible.”
    Liam looked between the two of us with a small frown on his face. “I get it. Really, I do. But, how in the devil do you two think you’re going to make it through college? I won’t be there every minute.” Leave it to Liam to be our voice of reason. We all knew we were going on to college together. Being separated was just not an option we were even willing to consider.
    Tripp looked at me with that tender smile of his . “Liam, I don’t think that will really be much of a problem. I plan to marry this girl as soon as we graduate, if she will have me. Of course, I haven’t asked her yet. But I will, and I betcha she says yes.”
    Looking into Tripp’s eyes, I knew right then and there that I would never be able to live without him in my life . The love I felt for him was so deep and so big that it threatened to overwhelm me. I saw my future sitting right beside me, and I knew without a doubt that he was all of my tomorrows. Together forever. I really liked the way that sounded. And he was right. I would most definitely say yes.
    We finished the drive and made it to Wilkesboro before dark . After stopping at a payphone to call my parents to check in, we found a great spot to camp and got to work getting everything set up. We positioned our tents with safety in mind so that Tripp and Liam’s flanked mine on either side. While I put everyone’s stuff in the tents, the boys went to gather kindling and firewood. I grabbed the cookware and food supplies, and set about getting our foil packs ready to place in the fire to cook.
    When the boys got back with enough wood to last the weekend, Liam laid some of it out and got us a nice hot blaze started. Tripp got our camp chairs out and placed them a safe distance from the flames. After putting the foil packs in the edge of the fire, I went to join the boys. It felt nice just to sit back and relax. Nothing in the world could bother us.
    After eating, we just sat and listened to The Dan Tymin ski Band play on the stage, and watched as the stars finally took over the sun. The lead singer of the band was the voice everyone heard in Oh Brother, Where Art Thou . George Clooney’s pretty face and Dan’s voice made millions of people happy. The music was soothing to our souls.
    Realizing the lateness of the hour, we made our way down to the bathrooms to get ready for bed . We split up at the doors with plans to meet back up in that very spot. I went in, hung my travel bag, and used the bathroom. I washed my hands and gave my teeth a good scrubbing. Then it happened. I dropped my toothpaste lid, and when I went to pick it back up, I ran my head through a spider web. I screamed at the top of my lungs.
    The boys hit the door running, thinking that someone was surely killing me. I danced around in that dark bathroom pulling at my hair and rubbing my arms and legs and screaming at the top of my lungs. By that time, I was convinced that I had spiders all over my body and all in my hair. I swear I could actually feel them crawling all over me. I could not swipe and swat fast enough. I guess it just makes sense that everyone would come running to see what was going on. By the time I calmed down some, there were twenty pairs of curious eyes looking at me, trying to figure out just what my problem was.
    Liam grabbed my travel bag. Tripp pulled me to his

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