Second Skin (Skinned)

Second Skin (Skinned) by Judith Graves Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Second Skin (Skinned) by Judith Graves Read Free Book Online
Authors: Judith Graves
think I know what’s going on,” she said finally. I raised an eyebrow.
“I fell asleep on the couch tonight after the girls left. I haven’t been sleeping well, and I’m not used to functioning without my full eight hours. It’s just these horrible dreams. I dread going to sleep. I’m exhausted. Spells have been….difficult.” She fingered the metal ring pierced through her eyebrow, keeping her eyes downcast as if she were ashamed she’d been struggling with her magic. “I thought a few minutes of shut-eye would do the trick. I had the movie playing as I dozed off.” She bit her lip. “I’ve heard of this sort of thing happening, but never thought they could manifest in physical form.”
“Never thought what could?” I crossed my arms, adding a little foot tapping action. “No judgment here, Kate, but could you get to the point a wee bit faster? Just spill,” I said.
“Ever heard of a night mare?” She took a breath, waving a hand before any of us could respond. “Not as in bad dreams, although that’s a factor. I mean the demon, the night mare?”
“You mean a horse demon that comes out at night?” Brit hazarded a guess.
Kate sighed. “They’re not really horses. Night mares are nasty demons. They’re grotesque little monsters that sit on your chest while you dream.”
“I get it, like they’re riding you, hence the horse analogy.” Brit’s eyes brightened. “Word origins really are fascinating.”
“And a bit pervy,” Matt said with a smirk. “ Riding you ? That could be taken so many ways.”
Brit slapped his arm. Matt grimaced and rubbed the spot, before tugging her to his side. I glanced up to find Alec’s eyes on me. I couldn’t take the heat in his stare and lowered my lashes. His lips thinned before he turned away.
“I don’t know, Kate,” Alec said. “You’re saying some dream creature dipped into your subconscious and attacked you while you were awake? Then why could we see them? They were real. Did you see the damage to my truck? And not just from your little friends.” He shot a look at Matt who had the grace to look shamefaced.
“Sorry about the axe,” Matt said. He held up his hands in surrender. “Give me two days.” Matt’s healing abilities extended to automotive repair. He’d brought that truck back to life once already in the few short weeks I’d been with the crew. “Just two, and I’ll have her fit as your precious Métis fiddle.”
Alec flushed at the mention of a fiddle, and the thought of him playing one distracted me from Kate’s situation for a moment. The Métis were known for their particular brand of fiddle music, foot stomping jigs, and haunting reels. The image of big, hulking Alec playing the delicate wooden instrument while wearing the traditional Métis red sash wrapped around his waist was… shocking.
“That was when we were kids. I haven’t picked up a bow in years. Now can we hear Kate out?” Alec said. He rolled his shoulders, flashing me a quick glance, and then turned to our possibly bewitched witch. “I think Kate’s story is a bit more important, don’t you?”
Brit nodded. “Un-huh, but as head of the talent show committee”—her eyes flashed with suppressed laughter—“I’ll be talking to you later.”
The look Alec leveled at Matt would have flayed a lesser guy alive.
“This is a powerful demon,” Kate said over their razzing, the warning in her tone bringing us back to situation at hand. “It’s unusual for a night mare to engage another paranorm. Humans are their main source of sustenance. They don’t stick with any one victim for long, since that would drain them of their life-source before it had a chance to rebuild. Their goal is to have an ongoing supply, not to kill. This just doesn’t make sense…”
When her voice trailed off, I tilted my head, examining her face, the pull of her skin on the piercings through her bottom lip. Kate was holding back. “But…” I prompted. “There’s always a

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