Secret Santa (novella)

Secret Santa (novella) by Rhian Cahill Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Secret Santa (novella) by Rhian Cahill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rhian Cahill
mind about that.
    They headed inside and he noted the security door wasn’t locked. When he gave it a closer look, he discovered the lock was broken. ‘Does the landlord know this is busted?’
    ‘Yep.’ She hit the steps and kept going.
    ‘When are they going to fix it?’
    ‘Who knows? It’s been broken for as long as I’ve lived here.’
    ‘What?’ His voice echoed off the walls and up the stairwell.
    Jenn spun around and glared at him. ‘Shh! You’ll wake the whole building.’
    ‘Sorry.’ He rolled his lips between his teeth and joined her on the stairs. ‘I’ll be quiet.’
    They took the rest of the stairs in silence. When she reached the top she turned to the left. Her front door was right there and he realised her apartment faced the street, which explained how she made it downstairs so quickly when he’d picked her up the other day. He waited for her to pull her keys from her pocket and unlock the door. Before she could slip inside, he crowded her against the door frame.
    ‘Thanks for a great day.’ Morgan leaned in close so their faces were almost touching. ‘I’ll see you at work tomorrow?’
    She smiled. ‘You mean today?’
    He chuckled. ‘Well, yeah, today.’
    ‘Yes. I’ll be there.’
    Morgan watched her. Waited to see if she’d make a move, either towards him or away. It didn’t matter which, he just needed to know where she stood. When she didn’t go anywhere, he dipped his head closer still. ‘You know I’m going to kiss you goodnight, right?’
    Jenn’s teeth sank into her bottom lip, the sharp edges worrying the soft flesh as she gave him one small nod.
    He took her mouth then, pressed his lips to hers and sought her surrender. He waited for her to open to him. She didn’t disappoint him. Her lips parted on a sigh and her body moulded to his as she wound her arms around his neck. Morgan gripped her waist and tugged her closer. Their tongues tangled, stroking and teasing until their breaths panted in and out and their hands began to roam.
    She was like liquid heat against him. Every part of her burned, branded him with a need and want that filled his groin with throbbing desperation. He’d never wanted a woman like he wanted Jenn. He had to have her. Had to make her see they were good together.
    Morgan knew he could use her desire against her. Knew it wouldn’t take much to get an invitation inside her apartment. Inside her body. But he couldn’t do that to her. He’d manipulated her enough already. If they had any chance of making this work, she had to come to him. She had to make the next step. It wouldn’t stop him from teasing and tempting her though.
    With everything that he had, he made love to her mouth, poured everything he was feeling for her into his kiss. And when they were both out of breath and struggling to stand, he pulled back. He slowed their kisses, turned the desperate taking into a soft giving and cooled them both down until he parted their mouths completely.
    Her eyelids fluttered open and her brown eyes appeared black her pupils were so dilated. He smiled at the sight she made. With her eyes all misty with arousal and her cheeks flushed pink, she looked like what she was. A woman well kissed.
    ‘As I said, I had a great day. We should do it again soon.’ Before she could argue with him he ushered her into her apartment and closed the door between them. Then he did the hardest thing he’d ever done in his adult life.
    He walked away.
    Jenn leaned her forehead against the cold door and listened to Morgan’s footsteps echo in the stairwell as he left. He’d kissed her stupid. She’d been on the verge of dragging him inside and ripping both their clothes off. She sighed and pushed off the door when she heard his bike start up. Racing across her living room she made it to the window just as he sped out of the driveway and down the street.
    She wanted to call him back. Wanted to say to hell with the fact he was her boss and give him what he wanted.

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