Sentinel - Devil Riders MC Book 1 (MC Romance Novel with FREE Bonus Novel!)

Sentinel - Devil Riders MC Book 1 (MC Romance Novel with FREE Bonus Novel!) by Ashley Rhodes Read Free Book Online

Book: Sentinel - Devil Riders MC Book 1 (MC Romance Novel with FREE Bonus Novel!) by Ashley Rhodes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Rhodes
curious about her. He hadn’t given much thought to who she was, never bothered to learn anything at all about her personal life. He’d seen her as a smart tutor and a hot chick he wanted to spend time with. Then she was supposed to fall for his magic, but it hadn’t happened, and the tutor shit wasn’t working out. But who cared about that? What mattered was that the hot chick was putting him down, and it was time for that to change. He needed to find leverage that would convince her to spread those luscious legs for him—to do what he wanted. Anything he wanted.
    He drove back to the spacious townhouse close to campus that his Dad had rented for him and sat down in front of his laptop. He opened the search engine and typed in her name. It shocked him that her name was so common. There were hundreds of listings. This pissed him off. Suddenly his investigation meant doing a lot of work. He’d have to look at all those sites. An hour later, exhausted, he’d found nothing useful. The only sites with anything about this Chrissy seemed perfectly banal and ordinary. She hadn’t posted any nude photos and no ex-boyfriend had put up any revenge porn. She didn’t even have many friends on social networks. Unlike most people her age, the bulk of her life seemed to be offline.
    Frustrated, he sat back. Everyone had their secrets. You couldn’t go through life without fucking up, so it was just a matter of finding them, of knowing where to look. Having never bothered to research for anything beyond what he stole for homework assignments, Justin had no idea where to start looking.
    But he wasn’t supposed to be a geek, or a drone, browsing through all this crap. He was supposed to be a leader. An executive.
    What would his father do?
    Suddenly he smiled to himself. He knew exactly what his father would do—what he had done, as a matter of fact, and in a situation not that different. A couple of years back he’d overheard his father talking to a private investigator. He’d hired her to look into the business dealings of a woman he had his eye on. Apparently she was being stubborn about letting him have her. His instructions had been simple. “I want to know everything about her, especially things she doesn’t want known,” his father said.
    Justin had no idea what the investigator discovered about the woman, and he didn’t care. What mattered is that not long after that conversation he became aware that his Dad was screwing the woman. He’d seen them in his Dad’s home office. The woman hadn’t enjoyed herself, but she had screwed him. That was what mattered. That and the fact that Justin had stolen one of the investigator’s business cards from his Dad’s desk. At the time he hadn’t even known why.
    He sighed, feeling better about himself. For a moment he’d doubted that he was up to the challenge, but he had his battle plan. It still amazed him how much you could accomplish with a phone call, if you knew who to call and had enough money. Justin Willbanks had the right number and plenty of money.
    Now that he had a plan he allowed himself the luxury of picturing a contrite Chrissy standing in front of him, obediently peeling off her clothes. He imagined her compliant, willing to do what he wanted. Thinking about all the things he’d make her do sent a pleasurable shiver running through him.
    He got his phone and made his call. The investigator knew the name and was happy to make an appointment for the next day. He hung up feeling rather good about himself. His father would appreciate the initiative he was showing.
    He looked at the schoolwork sitting on is desk, the paper that needed to be written, and he got another idea. A spinoff. A brilliant spinoff. When he met with the investigator he’d have her investigate two people. Teachers had secrets too, and why bother paying someone to write a paper and risk getting a poor grade when you could just get something on the teacher, lock in a B (his father would be

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