Shadow of Doubt

Shadow of Doubt by Melissa Gaye Perez Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Shadow of Doubt by Melissa Gaye Perez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Gaye Perez
that.”  He had seen her sitting sadly on the beach and couldn't imagine how scared she must really be.  Now that he had made her cry he felt even worse than ever before.
    “It's not your fault,” she whispered.
    He took her head in his hand and pulled her to his chest for comfort.  “I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to upset you.  I'm just not used to you yet.  I've been alone for a long time,” he tried to explain but acted as if he didn't want to get into it any further.  He wanted to tell her about Victoria but just couldn't.  He didn't think it mattered anyway.  Besides, he didn't want her to think he was getting soft on her.
    “I could go ya know,” she offered as she raised her head and wiped her face with her hands.  “You don't have to let me stay here.”  She only feared he would agree to this and send her away to that shelter, but said it regardless.
    Again Lydia flashed through his mind.  The thought of this sweet beautiful girl in her custody didn't set to well with Jordan at all.
    “You're not in my way...really,” he replied not too sure of that himself.  “It's just that...”
    “I understand,” she interrupted.  “I'll try harder to stay out of your way.  I promise.”
    Jordan wasn't sure she did understand.  But maybe now she would better appreciate his mood changes.  Maybe now they could get along without any further confrontations.
    Then they were both interrupted by Martin's unexpected presence on the beach.  “Finish that bedroom yet?” he asked smiling devilishly at the way Jordan was holding Dolly against his chest.
    Jordan jumped quickly to his feet and headed for the house without glancing back at either of them.
    “Not quite,” he mumbled out.
    Dolly could tell their being together like that had embarrassed him in front of his friend.
    Martin stood and waited for Dolly to pass then followed her up the stairs his eyes never rising above waist level.
    “Jordan treating you okay?” he asked as they entered the living room.  Jordan quickly retreated to the other room and began pounding away at his nails again.  Dolly didn't like the way Martin was grinning at her.
    “Yes he is,” she answered as she went to sit on the couch content on staying out of Jordan's way as she had promised she would.
    “I could see that!” Martin nearly yelled toward the other room making sure Jordan had heard him.
    “You're not funny,” Jordan answered knowing he was talking about the way they were cuddled on the beach.  He was still holding Dolly's head snugly against his chest and rubbing her back with his free hand.  “Rather enjoying it too till you came along,” Jordan thought as he went about his work.
    “I was talking about the house,” Martin continued to snicker.  “This is the cleanest I think I've ever seen it.”  Then he sat next to Dolly on the sofa.  “Did you remember your name yet sweetie?”
    “Jordan calls me Dolly.”
    “All right then.  I'll call you that too.”  He stared at her for a moment then left the room to go and talk with Jordan.
    “You're not really gonna keep her around here are you?” he asked in a low voice.
    Jordan hammered another nail.  Then looked down at his friend.  “Why not?  She's no trouble.”
    “What are you gonna do with her?  Tote her around from track to track?  That's not exactly Jordan Scott's style.”
    “Maybe.  Hadn't decided yet.”  Jordan looked even more agitated with his friend.  “Go away will ya?  I'm really busy here.”
    Jordan just didn't want to talk about her anymore.  He kept telling himself she was no trouble...but still felt uncomfortable with her being around.  He didn't want to have to explain her to everyone else, but didn't see much choice.  He couldn't let her go to that horrible place Lydia was talking about.  He just couldn't.
    Dolly was fixing supper when Martin came back through.  He smiled as he watched her for a second.  “Wanna cook mine when you get through here?  I

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