Shadow of Doubt

Shadow of Doubt by Melissa Gaye Perez Read Free Book Online

Book: Shadow of Doubt by Melissa Gaye Perez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Gaye Perez
preoccupied with something else.
    “I promise to pay you back for everything you've done to help me just as soon as I regain my memory,” she said as they walked toward the department store.
    “Think so,” he replied half grinning as he held the front door open for her.  “What if you remember you're broker than I am?”  He grinned widely at her startled expression as she froze and stared into his laughing face.
    He lightly patted her back with his hand, motioning her through the door.  “I'm sorry,” he added trying not to laugh anymore.  “I'm not worried about it...really.  Just hurry up will ya?  Taking a woman shopping for clothes isn't exactly one of my favorite pastimes.”  He quickly scanned all around the store to make sure he wasn't spotted by anyone he knew.
    Dolly picked up on his embarrassment and hurried the best she could.  She rummaged through the store and Jordan paid for her merchandise.  They grabbed some burgers and fries and ate lunch in his pick-up truck on the way home.  Jordan was lucky and hadn't been spotted by any of his friends that he could tell.
    When they returned to Jordan's beach house, he changed into faded jeans and a denim work shirt.  Dolly watched him admiringly as he rolled up his sleeves showing off his tanned muscular arms.  He still had some paneling to finish putting up in the third bedroom of the house.
    Dolly sat on a saw horse in the center of the incomplete room and watched as his strong arms hammered the sheets of wood to the wall, then reached into the carpenter’s belt hanging loosely from around his waist for another nail.
    “Why don't you take a swim or something?” he then suggested not looking her direction.  He knew she was there though and felt intruded upon knowing she was just sitting there watching his every move.  “It's the end of June, the weather's perfect for it.”
    “Are you trying to get rid of me?”
    “Yes,” he blurted frankly.
    “I'm just watching.  I'm not in your way,” she argued.
    “Yes you are.  I don't like being spied on.  I'm not used to it.  Now go on, you're making me nervous!”
    “Okay,” she mumbled as she slid off the saw horse and moped slowly from the room, her head down and her hands pushed deep into her pants pockets.  She felt like a nuisance now as she sadly strolled out the door, wishing she could stay and watch this handsome man do his work.
    Jordan felt a little sorry for her at first watching how she left the room, but went about his work.  “She's gonna have to learn to keep out of my hair,” he thought as he slammed the hammer into his finger.
    “Awww!!!” he yelled in pain and dropped the hammer to the floor.  He shook his hand vigorously.
    “You okay?” Dolly asked frantically running back into the room.
    “I'm fine!  Just go away!” he yelled not mad at her but embarrassed at his own goof and quickly straightened up and resumed his nailing as if nothing had happened.
    “Sorry,” she uttered out again and decided to take a walk on the beach as he had suggested in the first place.
    Dolly sat for a while and stared out into the blue sea and watched the sea gulls fly at a distance, occasionally dipping down into the water to catch their prey.
    “I don't think this is gonna work out too well,” she thought still hearing Jordan's angry voice ringing in her head.  She bent her knees and laid her head against them and began to cry quietly to herself.  She just wanted to remember who she was...where she was from...anything at all.
    It was horrible not knowing anything.  To suddenly open her eyes and not remember a thing.  The only good part of it all was seeing the good looking man who had came to her rescue and now even he was upset with her.
    Suddenly she felt a warm hand touch her back.  She peered over her shoulder to see Jordan sit next to her in the sand, but quickly hid her face again to hide the fact that she had been crying.
    “Look...I didn't mean to yell at ya like

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