Sherlock Holmes and the Discarded Cigarette
whereabouts. The only indication as to the level of Druitt’s criminal activity was the large number of exposed nails that had been driven into the walls indicating that a variety of pictures or paintings may have hung there just a short while ago.
    Holmes scoured cupboards, drawers, table top, the bed and closets to find that Druitt had not left anything of his inhabitance behind. Out of habit Holmes gave the floor a quick look not expecting to see any thing when his attention was attracted to a small cylindrical object lying almost neglected next to the empty coal stove.
    Walking over to it he bent down and picked up the object examined it closely and sniffed it “Aha!” he exclaimed with joy while putting the hard won prize into a vest pocket for safe keeping “Now I have you Druitt” When Holmes made his entrance through the front door of his rooms later I put my journal down and asked
    â€œDid you manage to talk to Druitt?” “No” was his answer, “and if it wasn’t for this” at which time he pulled out of his vest pocket what looked very much like the remains of a cigarette “there would be no evidence at all that Druitt had ever occupied the rooms I looked through.”
    Removing his top hat and coat Holmes continued “and my worst fears have been confirmed Watson. Our Mr. Druitt has gone abroad to conduct some business with people who have are experts in machinery and electricity.” “That in and of its self shouldn’t be cause for too much concern” I countered.
    â€œWatson do you remember our conversation with Mr. Wells and his shocking revelation” “Vaguely yes” I replied still trying to see the gravity of what Holmes had found out.
    â€œRemember his words Watson”.... I have not been entirely truthful with both of you on that matter.” remember my asking him how so? Then remember that he looked almost relieved when he said I have long thought that it might be possible, in theory at least to have a set of mechanical drawings that could again in theory describe how to build my time machine. My machine is now one step beyond fiction, theory and imagination gentlemen. I now own a set of mechanical drawings, that with the right materials, skills and abilities it could be built.”
    I felt as if the floor had opened up when Holmes finished with “and the proprietor of the Old Mill where Druitt had rooms this after noon told me when I asked about Druitt’s luggage “ Well yes sir, besides a couple of cases and a steamer trunk he appeared to be carrying a similarly large roll of paper with him like the one the one the lady had left before.
    â€œI think Watson it would be in our best interests to make discreet inquiries with the booking agents to see if they have seen anyone of Druitt’s description and if they have if they can enlighten us as to where his destinations were when he was expected to arrive on the continent.”
    Holmes walked over his parlor windows that over looked Baker Street watched the late afternoon parade of humanity and industry for a short time, then turned to me and announced “Watson we shall have to ask Mr. Wells to come and visit us again and give us a full and complete disclosure of what he truly knows of this matter.”

Chapter 17
    When H.G. Wells walked through the front door of Holmes rooms the next afternoon the atmosphere was much more subdued. Hanging up his hat and coat Wells announced “Dr. Watson I was surprised to get your note and got here as quickly as I could.” As we were all sitting down I expected Homes to share his news about Druitt with Wells instead
    Holmes went straight into what concerned him the most. “I must ask you Mr. Wells is your time machine only a theory or is it possible to construct one?” “Mr. Holmes, when I wrote this story there is much I left out.” “The relevant details being?” queried

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