yourself all the time!”
“Well, that’s more of a technicality ...”
“Riley, you’re only focusing on the good things right now, and you need to stop that,” Liz said with a sigh. “You’re blocking out all of the terrible shit that he put you through over the years, like how he told you to dress or how he lectured you for swearing too much. Who does he think he is? Your dad?”
“Just forget about the whole situation.” Liz cut her off. “Try not to think about him.”
“How is that even possible when everything makes me think about him?” Riley protested. “I can’t watch TV, I can’t listen to the radio, I can’t even go to the supermarket without being reminded of him!”
“I know,” Liz replied, softening her voice as she patted down Riley’s hair. “Breakups suck. But you’ll move on and meet someone new. And then the two of you can make new memories together and—”
“But I don’t want to,” Riley spat out in a bratty tone.
“I knew this whole ‘divide and conquer’ bit was just an act,” Liz said with a roll of her eyes.
“Of course it was an act,” Riley sighed back miserably. “I don’t want to meet new people. I want to meet Noah!”
“Okay, just stop,” Liz said in a firm voice. “Sitting around like this, crying and eating garbage is literally the worst way to approach this situation.”
“I honestly think it’s the best way—”
“You know what? I’m not going to let you act like this anymore,” Liz resolutely stated. “Sorry about everything I’m about to do, but you need some tough love right now.”
“I’m actually very delicate right now, so I don’t think—”
“Riley,” Liz called out in a warning tone. “Noah is a piece of shit. And you wanting him back makes you a piece of shit by association.”
“That’s actually really harsh—”
“Listen to me. You do not want to be with someone who doesn’t want to be with you.”
Riley scrunched up her face in distaste before halfheartedly shrugging her shoulders. “Well, you see, I don’t think he doesn’t want to be with me—”
“Ugh, get up,” Liz grumbled as she pulled Riley’s arms in an attempt to lift the listless girl off of her bed. “We’re going out.”
“No!” Riley wailed out. “Why?”
“You’re going to turn into an obese blob with bedsores and matted hair if I don’t do something about it right now.”
“Let me mope!” Riley pleaded. “I deserve it! I just want to put on my aloe vera socks, drink a bottle of wine and have a good cry.”
“You’re pathetic,” Liz muttered under her breath, scrunching up her face in concentration as she continued to drag Riley with her.
“I am!” Riley agreed, nodding her head fervently. “So leave me to mope and wallow in my misery!”
“No way,” Liz grunted as she pulled Riley towards her closet. “Now, let’s pick out something cute for you to wear.”
“I’ll be cute from the comfort of my bed,” Riley bargained as she curled up into a ball on the floor, grabbing ahold of Liz’s ankle in a pleading manner. “I’ll wear my nice pajamas, I promise.”
“What’s with all of the screaming?” Audrey drawled out as she appeared in the doorway. “Riley, what are you doing on the floor?” she added, tilting her head in curiosity as she peered at her tear-stained friend.
“Begging my bestest friend in the whole entire world to be merciful,” Riley whimpered in response, looking up at Liz with a hopeful expression.
“Audrey, get over here,” Liz called out, ignoring the sniveling girl on the floor as she beckoned for their roommate to come over to the closet. “Help me pick out a hot outfit for Riley so we can go out.”
“Ooh, makeover!” Audrey squealed as she pranced over excitedly.
“Are you two really my friends?” Riley questioned loudly, though the two pretended not to have heard her as they combed through her wardrobe.
“What are we aiming for?” Audrey asked,